mechanics造句31 Mechanics are having difficulty pinpointing the problem.
32 Tidal stress and gravitational asymmetries had pulled the sphere out of shape. Newtonian mechanics had done the rest.
33 But then, Newtonian mechanics appeared precisely accurate, until Relativity was discovered.
34 They wanted to know how much they owed for the repairs the mechanics had made.
35 This subject is broadly termed continuum mechanics and is an academic discipline in its own right.
36 Whereas Prost had been delayed as the Ferrari mechanics fiddled with the right-rear wheel, Senna's stop went like clockwork.
37 The actual mechanics of the operation would take care of themselves.
38 Moreover, the specific Newtonian scheme has given rise to a remarkable body of mathematical ideas known as classical mechanics.
39 In most big cities advertisements for workers, from plumbers to car mechanics, go unanswered for weeks.
40 It embraces fluid mechanics and viscous flow as well as elasticity and shows the relations between these formerly separate fields of physics.
41 Instead of the clarity and precision of Newtonian mechanics, we have to be content with a more fuzzy account of affairs.
42 But the manual merely provides its owner with the game mechanics.
43 How many mechanics have a law degree behind them or a management degree to deal with this?
44 Mechanics tried to restart the car, but a gearbox breakage was quickly diagnosed.
45 We are now able to understand why our information about the states of motion is so restricted in quantum mechanics.
46 To understand quantum mechanics, we must come to terms with complex-number weightings.
47 Life therefore became a form of chemical interaction, with replicators able to change gradually through the mechanics of evolution.
48 In general, quantum mechanics does not predict a single definite result for an observation.
49 Calluses are caused by friction from faulty foot mechanics, often from arches that are too high or too low.
50 John Pople has set new standards for quantum mechanics, theoretical chemists, and for the general chemistry community.
51 Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
52 Sure the mechanics are similar, but those tiny little extras mount up to a whole lot more than their actual sum.
53 Canon used mechatronics - electronically controlled precision mechanics - to produce the miniature printer.
54 But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn't incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
55 It is time to take a second tea-break in our training as apprentice quantum mechanics.
56 He laid some of the foundations of the Newtonian mechanics that was to replace Aristotle's.
57 Or is it more akin to mechanics whereby a given stimulus produces an automatic response?
58 Once again we are saying something in general form which corresponds exactly to the particularities of wave mechanics.
59 This again shows how the metric connections correspond to the inertial accelerations and forces of classical mechanics.
60 This feature of quantum mechanics proved very distasteful to some of the very men who had helped to create the subject.