dwelling造句1. It's time you stopped dwelling on the past.
2. Welcome to my humble dwelling.
3. Those two men are dwelling with us.
4. Our stable abuts against his dwelling.
5. Dwelling on the past only drags you down.
6. He smiled, his eyes dwelling on her face.
7. Why do you keep dwelling upon that matter?
8. In former times there were far fewer people dwelling on earth than there are now.
9. There was no point in dwelling on that.
10. I was dwelling on negative stuff.
11. Tell me, he said, your ideal dwelling place.
12. He imagined she was still dwelling on the accident.
13. Oglethorpe turned into his dwelling the picture of serenity.
14. It was no good dwelling on it.
15. Such non-ending cheeriness provoked the nonconformists into dwelling upon those aspects of the human condition which Socialist Realism refused to acknowledge.
16. It was a sight worth dwelling on, but not much use for present purposes.
17. All that exists of the imposing dwelling is a few feet of wall and an open fireplace adjoining Cumnor Church.
18. Do not sidetrack into dwelling on what is wrong with it.
19. Ideally the dwelling should be unoccupied and empty of furniture and floor coverings, although this is usually not possible.
20. Soon we arrived at Tower House, a suburban-style dwelling with a large front garden.
21. The mill and workshops now form a large dwelling as well as holiday homes.
22. The present position of the house coincides with that of an earlier dwelling.
23. The building looked more like a doll's house than a human dwelling.
24. When land had been apportioned, each family built their own dwelling.
25. The cottage was so small it looked more like a doll's house than a human dwelling.
26. Nothing living, it seemed, would come anywhere close to this long abandoned dwelling.
27. Is this a record and by what percentage would you estimate it increases the value of my dwelling?
28. Several years ago he was remodeling a garage at his West University dwelling into a rental.
29. Tenby Tudor Merchant's House A beautifully furnished late medieval dwelling house near the harbour.
30. They in turn sold the property, which has now been converted into a dwelling.