快好知 kuaihz

1 Alan Tomlinson has reconstructed the events that led up to the deaths. 2 The police have reconstructed the chain of events leading to the murder. 3 We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few of its bones. 4 Local historians have reconstructed from contemporary descriptions how the hall may have looked in 1300. 5 The archaeologist reconstructed the broken ancient vase from its fragments. 6 What is remembered is reconstructed from the images available. 7 Later journalists reconstructed the voyage with testimonies from survivors and relatives. 8 If so, the whole edifice so carefully reconstructed by Finnis is in danger of collapse. 9 Most post-cranial bones can be reconstructed on a flat surface, with supporting pillars of plasticine at strategic points if necessary. 10 I reconstructed my life and all other women's in the light of male distortion and women's stolen potential. 11 These sites have been preserved and reconstructed by Glenrothes Development Corporation. 12 Presenter Michael Buerk had reconstructed the true story of how the man was rescued by helicopter after collapsing by a canal. 13 The location of edges has to be reconstructed by the visual system. 14 He reconstructed the events as he imagined they had happened that evening in April. 15 What took place has to be reconstructed with the principal witness for the prosecution being unavailable. 16 Nor can any reconstructed, facsimile wilderness ever approach the condition of nature as it was before human influence became dominant. 17 The ancient temple ruined in the war will be reconstructed soon. 18 Every aspect of the original has been closely studied and painstakingly reconstructed. 19 Although this part of Normandy was badly bombed during the war it has been completely reconstructed. 20 Old London Bridge was bought by an American and reconstructed in the US. 21 Qualitatively new patterns of responses are interpreted by Piaget to reflect newly constructed or reconstructed intellectual structures. 22 Wasson said damage was less than anticipated,[www.] and the forms would be reconstructed. 23 He disappeared from a parking lot while waiting for a Mafia contact, from where flashbacks of his past are reconstructed. 24 He went out and Sisteradmission-ward came in for a short while, and we reconstructed the story. 25 A third group act as temporary recipients, incubating the newly reconstructed embryos within their oviducts until they reach the blastocyst stage. 26 Many of the Motherwells were in a poor state of repair, and had to be completely reconstructed. 27 Royalties earned from the publications have purchased land upon which students have reconstructed cabins and preserved cultural artifacts. 28 An elaborate system of rain-water drains can be seen, reconstructed by Evans, at the East Entrance. 29 As it so happens, Columbus' personal reactions can be reconstructed in some detail from documentary evidence. 30 The rocks of which ancient mountains worn down by erosion were composed can be reconstructed from the minerals of detrital rocks.