emeritus造句31. Perhaps I can introduce Mr. Lake Kirby , an emeritus professor from Washington University ?
32. Mr Diridon, chairman emeritus of the California High Speed Rail Authority, was addressing like-minded folk at the annual meeting of the Midwest High Speed Rail Association.
33. "I was almost shocked, and certainly surprised, to see the consistency of the data," said Ed Diener, the University of Illinois psychology professor emeritus, who lead the review.
34. If Steve is done bad, bill also won't be at ease emeritus.
35. Robert Smith, emeritus reader in astronomy at the University of Sussex, southern England, previously calculated that as the Sun runs out of fuel, it will expand into a dangerous "red giant".
36. Cannot see apiculture only " when tide falls " building smooth county army to leave end of apiarian of beekeeper of Xie Jun of emeritus cadre retreat is to obtain economic benefits.
37. JOHN KENNETH GALBRAITH, Professor Emeritus , Harvard University: I've said many times I think had something, maybe quite a bit, to do with bringing Keynes across the Atlantic.
38. G . Wilson Knight, Emeritus Professor at the University of Leeds and prolific career as a critic.
39. Her son took the Astor seat in 1986 and subsequently became an emeritus trustee as well.
40. Keith Downey, research scientist emeritus at Canada's Saskatoon Research Center, disagrees.
40. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
41. I am to disapprove of those who defer emeritus age.
42. Tang Tsou was Homer J . Livingston Professor Emeritus in Political Science at the University of Chicago.
43. And limiting emeritus criterion is the scale that sees me hold two or more posts concurrently.
44. Professor Lawrie Challis, an emeritus professor of physics who has led the Government's mobile-phone safety research, says that parents should not give children phones before secondary school.
45. Perhaps I could introduce Mr Lake Kirby , an emeritus professor from Washington University?
46. Somewhat at a loss to know exactly what I might expect in China two years after Tiananmen Square, and whether or how to proceed, I met with Pief Panofsky, director emeritus of SLAC.
47. Ryan D. Tweney is an emeritus professor of psychology at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, and is the author of several books on scientific thinking.
48. Barry Barish is director of the global design effort for the International Linear Collider (ILC), as well as Linde Professor of Physics Emeritus at the California Institute of Technology.
49. Tom Chandler is the Poet Laureate Emeritus of Rhode Island.