快好知 kuaihz

1. The original OFP had unhelpful UI. 2. Add code manually to handle UI events. 3. Internationalization: this is an often-overlooked UI design issue. 4. Fixed UI exploit allowing ACU duplication. 5. Designing an UI for the interactive query expansion. 6. If the UI changes, the kludge can be redone without affecting a single script. 7. Handling the sentence of demand without user UI, those who suit oneself is best. 8. In this way, the Scheduler UI helps to speed up the search process for available time. 9. In the UI thread, populate your tree or table with placeholder values and, in a background Job, retrieve the real values and update the tree as you fetch them. 10. The controller handles all UI events, such as button clicks, menu selection, and text-field changes. 11. Media Player UI now provides feedback when tapping control buttons in video playback. 12. Although a media-playing application will present a UI allowing users to define their play lists,[/UI.html] the program hands off control to the service to actually play the songs in the given play list. 13. The UI for applying styles – galleries in the ribbon – is a big step forward. 14. After years of uncertainty, it looks like UI/UX is becoming a full fledged member of Agile teams. 15. Instead, the timer remained in a suspended state while the UI thread was sleeping. 16. MOG's on-demand, music streaming app has a stripped-down and simplified UI compared to its normal website, and this new look is better suited for getting to the music quickly, in my opinion. 17. File Locks lets you drag a locked file onto the UI and then shows you what program or process has grabbed onto the file. 18. In the scenario, you can start with reference.dtd and remove the highlight, software, and UI domains as indicated with the bold, highlighted text below. 19. Now, if you look to the bottom left hand corner of the IBM Cognos Upgrade Manager UI you will see these 2 greyed icons and links. 20. On top of launching an iTunes-esque bookstore, Apple has lent the iPad its UI razzle-dazzle, making for one of the most polished e-reading interfaces. 21. Until now, only VBA Language specification, HealthVault Service specification, UI Automation 1.0, and XPS specification 1.0 were covered by CP. 22. The model can also be manipulated on the fly; the model change will reflect the UI change immediately. 23. PTC surprised me by saying that they had a chance to discuss and review Windchill UI with some authorities in the world of UX (User Experience) – Steve Krug. 24. The Workers can be used to prefetch data or perform other ahead-of-time operations to provide a much more lively UI. 25. About the user interface: We're working on updating the UI but I'm not sure how much customizability it will have when it's finished. 26. A prototype can be many things, from a Class-Responsibility-Collaboration (CRC) dialogue to a UI mock-up or working code. 27. Mambo was very appealing from the ease of install and the UI, but the development track at the time was fractured and didn't give us any confidence of support. 28. A new virtual list control works with the new UI framework and also offers all the same capability of the prior virtual list with the addition of using asynchronous data retrieval transactions. 29. It will also draw a red range ring on the UI map and label the PPT icon. 30. In Spring: A Developer's Notebook, we drive the first implementations of our UI with a stub that uses an array list instead of a database.