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61. Figure 1 provides an example in the form of a UI for a stock ticker application created in OpenLaszlo. 62. You can also buy the iPhone Stencil Kit to quickly sketch out iPhone UI prototypes paper. 63. Once you modify the shared data in the spawned thread, you update the UI by calling the refresh method on the Activity object. 64. Data type specification: The ability to tell the UI to display the data at a given address as a specific data type — for example, this address represents the start of a null-terminated string. 65. The UI team investigated CGRP receptors in the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for relaying almost all sensory perception, including pain and touch, for the front of the head. 66. Using the power of reflection in the Java environment, the model logic (the portion of the application that drives the UI) is bound to the GUI components that have just been realized. 67. For instance, if you touch the a button on screen, the UI thread dispatches the touch event to the widget, which in turn sets its pressed state and posts an invalidate request to the event queue. 68. I once facilitated a retrospective in which the developers had identified the UI experts as the biggest hold-up to their stories. 69. Both of these applications demonstrate many cutting-edge UI features specifically targeted at small-screen devices. 70. Meanwhile the UI developers need a server that can be trusted to be stable at all times otherwise they will be unable to do their own work. 71. Take a look on the following few pictures showing the Windchill UI compliance with Windows User Interface concepts. 72. In order to distinguish worker threads from the UI thread, the main entry point for the sample application sets the Name property of the CurrentThread object to "UIThread." 72.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 73. In this example, the address information is used as input to a Yahoo Map program to display a map as part of the UI. 74. After the web service returns the results, they are displayed in the UI and the Yahoo Map program is called to update the map. 75. Specifies that returned elements have no reference to the underlying UI and contain only cached information. 76. If we should show the CPU frequency scaling in the UI. Some people need to configure this for specific systems. 77. Even though this approach takes manual programming out of UI development, programmers don't have to sacrifice control over the resulting code. 78. We will now showcase specific abilities of the Parse::RecDescent grammar by adding on to the UI features from a simple event loop and a simple user interface. 79. The rules developer usually creates the RMA pages, but the architect can and should enforce a simple approach to designing the look and feel of the user interface (UI). 80. After studying for a long time , we make a conclusion that the DIDSs are always made up of six parts:Collector, Analyzer, Coordinator, Manager, Responsor and UI. 81. And you built a custom list UI to make the messages look pretty. 82. For your application UI, you also need to globalize these UI elements. 83. Issues found in this phase will result in a UI change, which will result in an element attribute change, and the issues should be fixed without any exception. 84. Probably the best way to handle parent authorization is on the UI for the deposit slip itself. 85. The com.ibm.lotuslabs.todo.ui plug-in contributes a toolbar that is another extension of the SideNote concept and the Journal toolbar from the previous articles. 86. It can run in all language versions and can invoke the corresponding textual data and culture-sensitive codes that generate a user interface (UI) to meet the current user locale's requirements. 87. Gazpacho is an improved editor for Glade UI description files, written in PyGTK. 88. The main layers of the application are a database, a persistence framework, a database access object, and user interface (UI) controller and view layers. 89. Nice UI with large buttons, haptic feedback and digit grouping. 90. You've seen how GWT can be used for creating UI elements and using Ajax to retrieve and save data to back-end services.