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31. The fox terrier: He appeared as I stood on the sports deck near the rail, while Jack was shooting skeet. 32. Then Minnie - terrier type again, very loving, strayed a lot, died suddenly, probably ate something. 33. A West Highland White Terrier in the benching area. 34. Free Yorkshire Terrier: 8 years old. 35. It was a little bright - eyed terrier. 36. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a smooth-coated dog. 37. The Boston terrier has since been returned. 38. A terrier deftly crosses a dock. 39. The West Highland White Terrier . 40. Terrier deep depression and in a wide shallow suture. 41. This is Miley and Howie, two boston terrier puppies. 42. My dog is a Scotch terrier. 43. Free Yorkshire Terrier: 8 years old. Hateful little dog. 44. The Bedlington Terrier is often described as a "lamb on a leash" because its unique blond, curly hair and soft, round features give it an uncanny resemblance to the farm animal. 45. The Welsh Terrier is a game dog-alert, aware, spirited-but at the same time, is friendly and shows self control. 46. The movement a terrier trot typical of the long - legged terrier. 47. Meanwhile, a new tyre fixation technology -- terrier code storing device, is advises. 48. A new brain-imaging study examined 11 carcasses from 11 different dog breeds, both long-snouted, such as the greyhound and Jack Russel terrier, and short-snouted, such as the mastiff and pug. 49. People familiar with this Group invariably comment on thedistinctive terrier personality. 50. The semen of champion fox terrier Grenpark Keepers - nicknamed Troy - was frozen back in 1989, when animal IVF was first used. 51. Four breed types accepted by breed standard : Bull Type, Terrier Type, Dalmatian Type & Mixture Type. 52. Cartledge, Joe, and Catherine Owen. The Complete Illustrated West Highland White Terrier. 53. BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT : Alert, intelligent toy terrier. Spirited with even disposition. 54. The Scottish Terrier should have a thick body and heavy bone. 55. Admittedly, my own "son" is a border terrier, but this issue is still a no-brainer to me. 56. Vassello and Lane have since left the apartment complex and bought a new rat terrier. 57. We have Sandy a Yorkshire Terrier, and a German Shepherd named Sam. 58. This cute canine is a Yorkshire terrier - just like the one police tried to seize from Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho. 59. Generally, a well-balanced Scottish Terrier dog should weigh from 19 to 22 pounds and a bitch from 18 to 21 pounds. 60. Craniomandibular osteopathy is a hereditary disease in West Highland White Terriers and also occurs in other terrier breeds.