baked造句181, Two years ago, Earley played tennis, baked bread, sailed on the bay.
182, There was cheese soup and a brat, or clam chowder and baked stuffed lobster, or gumbo and chicken jambalaya.
183, The aroma of hot baked bread also carries with it a built-in pitfall for the unwary.
184, Let's pause for a moment, while I ask you to imagine the smell of newly baked bread or freshly percolated coffee.
185, A classic story is told about the unveiling of a vast poster showing a dish piled high with baked beans.
186, Sausages, bacon, eggs, chips, baked beans and fried bread was a man's diet.
187, The sun had baked the ploughed land into a grey mass, with little cracks running through it.
188, Creative chefs top potatoes with smoked salmon or caviar, or shred raw potatoes as a coating for baked fish or shrimp.
189, Potato salad and baked beans are standard fare at most delis.
190, At least I've my shortbread baked, I wouldn't give the bought stuff houseroom.
191, We had a wonderful, lazy time and didn't see a tin of baked beans for the whole fortnight.
192, The salad bar has over 50 items, including hot pasta and baked potatoes.
193, Lunch Baked beans on wholemeal toast, virtually fat-free yoghurt, orange.
194, If you plan to stay up on election night, you could sustain yourself in the small hours with freshly baked pizza.
195, Tea: Poached fish in cheese sauce, peas, baked potato, piece of fresh fruit.
196, They put up streamers and got hats and baked a couple of cakes.
197, I built a roaring fire in the stove and baked some potatoes.
198, This sibling confection is steamed, not baked, nutty and almost as rich.
199, Scent trails are baked dry and odourless by the fierce sun.
200, A useful tip is to make sure that no more than two brandy snaps are baked on each tray.
201, It can be baked in your conventional oven or, for speed and efficiency, in the microwave.
202, The country-style breakfast consists of enough fresh juice, farm-fresh eggs, bacon and freshly baked bread to stop a lumberjack.
203, Substitute sweet potatoes for russets the next time you serve baked potatoes with pork or chicken.
204, As a change from mashed or baked potatoes, prepare scalloped potatoes.
205, It was a bun baked in the shape of a bagel.
206, These were baked on Good Friday and eaten hot for breakfast.
207, Polly's second course arrived: chips, baked beans, peas and carrots.
208, There was a choice of vegetarian lasagne or lamb stew with baked potatoes, sweet corn and garlic bread.
209, So they went looking for a market that had a real need for great, freshly baked bread.
210, Outside, the sun beat down on the red baked earth of Provence.