test tube造句1. A test tube is closed at one end and open at the other.
2. Please rub the surface of the test tube dry before doing the experiment.
3. The father was a test tube baby.
4. In test tube and animal studies ABT-738 is the most potent anti-HIV drug to date.
5. Bunsen burners, Petri dishes, retorts and test tube holders winked enticingly.
6. Adding acid to the test tube starts a chemical process which leads to the formation of crystals.
7. The test tube was then put in an ultrasound bath for 5 minutes.
8. Humans are inside the test tube to prevent the experiment from crashing, to divert the trials from overt crisis.
9. Take care not to break the test tube!
10. They'd created a tumor in a test tube.
11. The solution in the test tube is boiling away.
11. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
12. The test tube held a column of white powder.
13. He never held a test tube in his hand.
14. He held the test tube in his hand thoughtfully.
15. I hold a test tube in my hand.
16. Chemical reaction do not take place in fizzing test tube.
17. The test tube has been blocked off. What's to be done?
18. To the test tube, heating the liquid, but also for warm - up .
19. Small Test Tube and Stopper ( or jar with a lid ).
20. The mutated enzymes were then put in a test tube with a small amount of nerve agent and the acetylcholinesterase.
21. The test tube is closed at one end with a hydraulic seal.
22. There is a green residue in the bottom of the test tube.
23. Well, Watson, suppose now that I make up a test tube containing say ten grams of some strange new substance.
24. Unknown to the teacher he had taken with him a test tube of the acid to test its reaction with lavatory paper.
25. The rest of us humans are outside, but inside the test tube of planet Earth.
26. In an invasive procedure, a doctor could extract one of her eggs and try to fertilize it in a test tube.
27. He added a small amount of water into the test tube.
28. Activated partial thromboplastin time (APIT), prothrombin time (PT) and thrombin time (TT) were evaluated by test tube method using rabbit named New Zealand White.
29. Have been studied with method of randomized complete block design. The effect of low temperature preserving on vitality of test tube seedlings of the Z.
30. The report quotes embryologist Professor Henry Leese, suggesting that little is known about the development of the human embryo in a living organism as opposed to a test tube.