scalar造句 151. Usual scalar calculation method can not be well used to make parallel operation on a vector computer. 152. Divisor scalar multiplication is the key operation in hyperelliptic curve cryptosystem. 153. Line 2 shifts the first word off of the arguments to the script and places it in the scalar variable op. 154. The process of ECC includes the selection of base field and coordinates, scalar multiplication and field operation.英文造句compressive forcewave interferencesecondary storagemillimicronconcurrent processingprocess schedulerjob scheduleroff coloractive servicepickettpersonal riskhollamodulotaygray-hairedresidence hallone-twelfthtidal zonetruth tableoptical coupleropen loopcardiac pacemakerleast valueVGAnot much to look atmenshevikInternet Relay Chatmegabits per secondincome level