快好知 kuaihz

1. She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize. 2. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. 3. I certainly don't begrudge him the Nobel Prize. 4. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 5. The Nobel Prize in Literature 2012 was awarded to Mo Yan. 6. The Nobel Medal bears the image of the great Swedish inventor. 7. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to Quantum Theory. 8. From his youth Nobel had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy. 9. He was a Nobel laureate in physics. 10. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature. 11. It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize. 12. He knocked off a Nobel prize. 13. The Nobel Prize crowned his career as an author. 14. He fantasized about winning the Nobel Prize. 15. Winning the Nobel prize has lustered the poet's name. 16. A Nobel Prize was awarded to Waksman in 1952. 17. The 1990 Nobel Prize for medicine was won by two Americans. 18. Scientists from Oxford shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1945. 19. He was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize with Alex Mueller. 20. He was shortlisted for the Nobel Prize for literature several times. 21. The Nobel prize has become the ultimate accolade in the sciences. 22. He was honoured with the Nobel prize for medicine in 2002. 23. The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics. 24. Two Americans will share this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine. 25. It was a feather in his cap to win the Nobel Prize. 26. She retired from politics the year after she received the Nobel Prize. 27. Two American surgeons were last week honoured with the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Physiology. 28. He told her that she was his favourite author and that she deserved the Nobel Prize for literature.He really laid it on with a trowel. 29. Was there a difference of opinion over what to do with the Nobel Prize money? 30. I was just enjoying a daydream about winning the Nobel Prize for literature.