nobel造句151. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine.
152. When the world economy is short of demand, argues Paul Krugman, a Nobel prizewinner, countries that persistently spend far less than they earn contribute to global unemployment.
153. Douglass C. North is a well - known American economist, the winner of the Nobel Prize on economy.
154. They include: Women, Scientology, the United States Tax code, Chinese telegraph code, Microsoft Visio 2004, and Obama's Nobel Peace Prize.
155. Accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, the honoree is committed to an endless duty.
156. The boy in the book is a real person named Norman Borlaug who grew up to win a Nobel Prize by hybridizing corn and wheat for arid climates.
157. Nobel peace prizewinner Wangari Maathai, said: "Climate change is life or death.
158. At the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany, 1996 Nobel Laureate Harold Kroto told the assembled students that science as a way of evaluating what is true is, for him, its most important quality.
159. The reporter had an exclusive interview with the Nobel prize winner.
160. Samuel Beckett, the 1969 Nobel laureate in literature, became famous and well-known more because of his Waiting for Godot than any of his other works.
161. A Frenchwoman, Marie Curie , was the first person who won two Nobel Prizes in science.
162. Matin Evans was born in 1941, also in Britain. He is director of the School of Biosciences at Cardiff University in Wales. He called winning the Nobel Prize "a boyhood dream come true."