obtainable造句1. Is that cassette still obtainable?
2. Our product is obtainable in all computer shop.
3. The form is obtainable at your local post office..com
4. Full details are obtainable from any post office.
5. The dried herb is obtainable from health shops.
6. Are his records still obtainable?
7. Information on the subject is easily obtainable on the Internet.
8. However, a simple and powerful canonical form is obtainable.
9. An SOS talisman is obtainable at many chemists.
10. This is obtainable from herbal suppliers.
11. Now a college education was a realistic and obtainable goal for young blacks.
12. Obtainable under the proprietary name Chlordane, the toxin gradually works down into the soil diffusing into the soil atmosphere.
13. The following passages, taken from well-known or easily obtainable piano music, are suggested as exercises in scoring for string orchestra.
14. If knowledge is obtainable only subjectively and relative to a point of view, what happens to history?
15. Attention was given to materials not easily obtainable in Northern Ireland - pamphlets, monographs, unpublished theses etc.
16. The goods became obtainable, but not purchasable, because of the lack of purchasing power among the population.
17. If atropine it was, it was easily obtainable in extract of belladonna.
18. I chose Tufa which is cheap and easily obtainable and quite a good substitute for real coral rock.
19. The following notes of the harmonic series are obtainable from a fundamental C..
20. All of these are obtainable from the company upon payment of a fairly hefty subscription.
21. Line materials All three of these types of line are obtainable in the variety of man-made synthetic materials available to kite flyers.
22. When selecting equipment to buy, one should make sure that servicing facilities are good and spare parts are quickly obtainable.
23. He said that he felt that its terms were the best obtainable under the circumstances.
24. Should be ready Wednesday. Fresh food - not really obtainable locally.
25. My Mom took a job as a nursing orderly in a mental hospital where sleeping pills and tranquillisers were easily obtainable.
26. I analysed them and found that a material had been used which is only obtainable in Iron Curtain countries.
27. This is largely because of the limitations on the specific impulse obtainable from chemical means.
28. The old county histories contain interesting material, sometimes with plans and drawings not easily obtainable elsewhere.
29. I have written several series of readers, now only obtainable in libraries.
30. Even so, it is likely to be much better than that obtainable in hotels or bureau de change.