obtainable造句31. However, it was pointed out that legal redress isn't always obtainable, discrimination against women being an analogy.
32. The greater abundance of iron ores over those of copper also meant that iron was more readily obtainable and cheaper.
33. The cost of these calendars is significantly less than that obtainable from other sources and will be approximately 8p per calendar.
34. However, the generally obtainable varieties are classed as very durable, even without preservatives.
35. Instead it utilised materials less costly and more readily obtainable.
36. Radon gas can be detected using an easily obtainable device.
37. The fish grows to about seven or eight inches, but smaller specimens are obtainable.
38. And these latter values are very much higher than the values obtainable on the old system.
39. Whisky exports were not included in the survey because comprehensive statistics on Scotch whisky exports are obtainable from the Scotch Whisky Association.
40. All of them should be easily obtainable from good garden centres.
41. They are usually obtainable from publishers and can be purchased singly or in batches, depending on your personal requirements.
42. The fines for these licences were uniformly trifling, implying that they were obtainable without difficulty.
43. Cover is easily obtainable for customers who apply now and are eligible for the Plan.
44. Price falls when raw material is easily obtainable.
45. The flowers are no longer obtainable.
46. The game is obtainable post free from the manufacturer.
47. Set realistic, obtainable goals and meet them.
48. The game is obtainable posted free from the manufacturer.
49. Savings of up to 50 percent are obtainable.
50. These books are obtainable from any bookseller.
51. He was initially pulseless with no obtainable blood pressure.
52. On such occasions, the books are obtainable half - priced.
53. GAWK is easily obtainable in both source and binary packages (see Resources).
54. General conclusions are easily obtainable by application of this theory on optical waveguide coupling pro...
55. The rubidium lamps and cells are now obtainable only for replacement.
56. This always sets ultimate limit to the noise performance obtainable.
57. A saving of 30 % is obtainable under this scheme.
58. Thedesired heterogeneous structure cannot be obtainable by batch addition ofthe glassymonomer to the rubbery seed latex.
59. After a suitable post-treatment, conversion film in bluish-white, iridescent or black colour accordingly and with excellent corrosion resistance is obtainable.
60. Officially certified true copy of the new Business Registration Application Form(s) under the Business Registration Ordinance (obtainable from the Business ...