快好知 kuaihz

31. It has revealed a social nature somewhat different from that of the traditional peasantry of the advanced capitalist countries. 32. The majority of the peasantry, however, have neither the resources nor the social advantages necessary to become entrepreneurs. 33. Serfdom stifled both collective and individual initiative among the peasantry. 34. There also developed considerable disparities in wealth and status within the peasantry itself. 35. Cattle fattening on the coastal marshes supported a prosperous peasantry as in Lincolnshire. 36. In Pomerania this reaction took the form of an even tighter grip on the feudal peasantry and serfs of the great estates. 37. The commitment to the commune, as the best means of taxing and policing the peasantry, was repeatedly reaffirmed. 38. In the face of repressive regimes, the peasantry have shown a capacity and willingness to organise and mobilise. 39. It is likely, too, that among the peasantry occasional poaching might supplement the meat element in a family's food. 40. The main burden borne by the peasantry remained that of the State and the landed nobility. 41. Modernisation theorists too thought that the peasantry, through the diffusion of modern ideas and consumer goods, would develop out of existence. 42. It reported in mid-1861, but suggested only that the peasantry of the western provinces fulfil their obligations in cash rather than labour. 43. The unhappy peasantry of Bengal found itself saddled with an impressive panoply of middlemen and parasites. 44. At its centre stood the peasant commune, they believed, had preserved the peasantry from the corruption of private property. 45. My father knew that the coming revolution would settle his class's long-term debt to the peasantry. 46. And they blamed the finance Ministry's favouritism towards industry for the plight - and the restiveness - of the peasantry. 47. Until 1921 some elements among the peasantry had kept a certain independence of outlook. 48. Social change, therefore, was unlikely to come from the top and the peasantry were badly educated and impoverished smallholders. 49. The agrarian reform had done much to improve the efficiency of agriculture and to ameliorate living standards among the peasantry. 50. But the peasantry as a whole remained in a condition of extreme economic weakness. 51. To educate the peasantry, three things are needed: schools, schools and schools.Leo Tolstoy 52. Elections to the zemstvos, too, demonstrated the intense hostility of the peasantry towards the landed nobility. 53. The alliance of the working class with the peasantry. 54. The spirit of the peasantry is ruined. 55. The serious problem is the education of the peasantry. 56. The Hunanese peasantry became very militant. 57. The peasantry is the firm ally of the proletariat. 58. These years witnessed the disintegration and destruction of the English peasantry. 59. Other strata of the peasantry besides the tenant were also affected. 60. The peasantry has shrunk from 75 million to 65 million.