快好知 kuaihz

31. FIG. 2 shows the influence of billet reheat time and temperature on tensile yield strength. 32. In tangential combustion system, the reheat steam temperature can be adjusted by changing burner nozzle angle to just the flame position. 33. The development of the discrete state space models for computer control and operation optimization of reheat furnaces is presented in this paper. 34. In this paper, characteristic of equivalent heat drop calculation of reheat unit is analysed. 35. The mechanism of the reheat cracking in thick-walled pressure vessels, its classification, features, detection methods, influencing factors and precautions are described. 36. The heated steam is then fed through the reminder of the turbine before being condensed. The reheat cycle incorporates an improvement in thermal efficiency over the superheat cycle. 37. For reheat temperature system, a novel internal model controller with decoupling is provided. 38. There were some analysis and probe of creep in main Steam pipe and reheat pipe(hot segment) in service utility boiler. 39. A new cascade feedback control system with load feed forward of reheat steam temperature paper. 40. For reheat temperature system, a internalcontroller with decoupling is provided. 41. In this reheat mode, the air is first cooled ( and therefore dried ) before being heated. 42. FIG. 3 shows the effect of billet reheat temperature and time on machinability. 43. The fluid is warmed as it passes through the cooling coil, which warmer temperature serves to reheat the air passing over the heat transfer coil. 44. To improve the multi - mission adaptability of the reheat turbofan engine, two Methods: Were brought forward. 45. To reheat, bring to a simmer over medium heat, gently stirring occasionally, then stir in mustard greens and simmer, covered, until greens are tender, about 5 minutes. 46. The applicability, reasonableness and safety of the oxygen scrubbing to reheat strip edge have been discussed. 47. The temperature of reheat steam directly influences the efficiency of a power station. 48. The reheat coil adjusts supply air temperature to offset building heat losses due to transmission. 49. So it is important to extend optimal setting control technology for reheat furnaces of steel enterprises. 50. Taking a triple pressure reheat HRSG in the gas-steam combined cycle as an example, a general expression of the steam turbine thermal efficiency to coupling parameter with the unfired HRSG is derived. 51. At the higher temperatures, the efficiency is often boosted still further by using double reheat.