快好知 kuaihz

31. Read in studio A woman widowed by a drunken driver has collected a fifty thousand signature petition demanding tougher sentences for offenders. 32. He wasted little time in finding a replacement, choosing the widowed Mary of Guise. 33. The figures for very elderly men are just over six in ten married, and nearly a third widowed. 34. She would still have a spare bedroom, quite enough for the modest entertaining she proposed to do in her widowed state. 35. The widowed Kouao had three grown-up boys of her own and an adopted daughter. 36. As to age, she's forty-four, and she's been married and widowed and has brought up three bains. 37. As death rates have declined the proportion of elderly classed as married has increased while the proportion widowed has decreased. 38. This was the shop which had been run by Eb's Aunt Emily ever since she was widowed, thirty years earlier. 39. Just under 4 in 10 women aged 65 or over are married and one half are widowed. 40. He is widowed and now lives alone in a ground floor fiat in a warden controlled sheltered housing scheme. 41. Personally, I appreciated the importance of being able to empathize with a newly widowed or soon-to-be-divorced client. 42. He's gone to stay with his widowed mother in Florida. 43. Carla Miller was widowed when a tractor rolled over on her husband. 44. It was a part of folk wisdom that providing houseroom for a widowed parent could lead to intense family friction. 45. The proportion of married women falls to just over two in ten, and the proportion widowed rises to nearly two-thirds. 46. The war widowed many women in the former yugoslavia. 47. A surprise attack widowed the army of its supplies. 48. There was once a widowed washerwoman with three daughters. 49. The mother was widowed and had swanned off. 50. She was widowed in 1967. 51. The war widowed many women in the former Yugoslavia. 52. The widowed bride of Vesuvius. 53. The widowed Judith remained three years and four months at home. 54. Elizabeth died the first winter and Edward remarried to the widowed Mrs. 55. Poor Medora , repeatedly widowed, was always coming home to settle down. 56. Born the son of a village salt merchant and raised by his widowed mother, Chiang Kai-shek rose to rule the world's most populous country. 57. Widowed women right to dispose of inherited property, no person shall interfere. 58. The authors argued that widowed and divorced people are more likely to have children and are thus more likely to be socially connected. 59. When my mom was widowed three years ago,[www.] her first V-day alone was the most difficult time for her because it was also my dad's birthday. 60. I'd been widowed for 26 years, but my life was too full bringing up my two children and working in a betting shop to bother with men.