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61. Gage sees them as two kindred spirits who found a genuinely romantic partnership until Onassis betrayed Callas by marrying the widowed Jackie Kennedy in 1968. 62. He makes sure that his widowed mother wants for nothing. 63. In his twenties, still possessively dominated by his widowed mother on the slow trek from his birthplace in Greece to Turin, Munich and Paris, he suffered from psychosomatic intestinal troubles. 64. Petersburg, dreamed of committing the perfect crime: With an ax he murdered an old widowed pawnbroker and her stepsister, and stole some jewelry from their flat. 65. But the new version is set in China, where the title character, a 12-year-old named Dre Parker (Jaden Smith), has moved with his widowed mother Sherry Parker (Taraji P Henson). 66. While in that land, their two sons married Moabite women , and life was good—until her husband and sons died and she was stuck, widowed in a foreign land. 67. You may be single, widowed, divorced, 1 or even a married woman with a fuddy-duddy hubby who doesn't like to travel. 68. We were gathered together, all ten of us, for our widowed mother's 80th birthday. 69. Across the way their widowed first cousin lived in a yellow house. 70. It's really not easy for a widowed mother to rear up four children. 71. And Depp, being Depp, just can't resist adding bizarre affectations to the character of widowed Wisconsin maths teacher Frank Tupelo. 72. Visiting his widowed mother at her flat in the city, the novelist KO Dahl heard the explosion. 73. The poor woman started sobbing inconsolably as if she'd been widowed. 74. Elizabeth died the first winter, and Edward remarried to the widowed Mrs. Susanna White, on 12 May 1621--the first marriage in the Plymouth Colony. 75. Which of the following is your marital status, single, married, divorced or widowed? 76. "We have a strong practice in Islam called ardth [family honour]," he says. "When a woman like Amal is widowed, it is a duty upon all Muslims to look after her and ensure her safety. 77. In 2006, widowed, Mr. Jandali remarried and now lives on a cul-de-sac in a gated Reno suburban community. 78. It had widowed Hilma in the very dawn of her happiness. 79. After that she lived with a widowed great - grand - daughter, Alice, and Alice's two little girls. 80. She could image what a lonely life her widowed sister was living.