快好知 kuaihz

271. She was watching his face, hanging on his every word. 272. We stood on the roof watching the planes fly over. 273. We nearly split our sides laughing/with laughter watching Paul trying to get the dog into the bicycle basket. 274. You can observe a lot just by watching.Yogi Berra 275. What's this trash you're watching? 276. Big Brother is Watching You.George Orwell 277. Mary was watching with a kind of agonized fascination. 278. Trial volunteers are told to abstain from watching TV for a month. 279. There's lots of people who spend so much time watching their health, they haven't got time to enjoy it.Josh Billings 280. We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.Bill Watterson 281. Eventually they became accustomed to the short trip to it by speedboat, the audience watching them from the casino. 282. During the day I sit banging my drum and watching good actors singing my words. 283. Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.C.S. Lewis 284. Dance like it hurts. Love like you need money. Work when people are watching.Scott Adams 285. In the book she describes the agony of watching her child die. 286. Q: Do you think you are as good an actress when your parents are there watching you? 287. They say he’s watching us from the heavens. If he doesn’t answer, I tell him in this poem that I’m going to pull this curtain of the sky and forget about him. It is a way of expressing my anguish, written when I felt helpless.Gulzar 288. The protagonist is totally absorbed in watching the ethereal mechanism come to rest. 289. Live life as though nobody is watching, and express yourself as though everyone is listening.Nelson Mandela 290. As someone who hails from Jaipur, I never knew world of cinema was so huge. When I studied at Film & Television Institute of India, I got introduced to films from around the world It was an eye-opener for me and since then watching movies became the part of life. When I am not watching films, I enjoy reading and writing scripts.Asrani 291. Youth is a blossom whose fruit is love; happy is he who plucks it after watching it slowly ripen.Alexandre Dumas 292. Boxing is a lot of white men watching two black men beat each other up.Muhammad Ali 293. We stood there a long time watching, heads tipped back, neck muscles beginning to ache.