快好知 kuaihz

121) She graciously accepted my apology. 122) All those invited to next week'speace conference have accepted. 123) Random House accepted the book for publication. 124) Orton's plays transgress accepted social norms. 125) The manuscript was accepted for publication last week. 126) She accepted their offer of rent-free accommodation. 127) Psychiatry is an accepted branch of medicine. 128) Most have meekly accepted such advice. 129) I accepted his offer without a moment's hesitation. 130) At last he climbed down and accepted our suggestion. 131) They offered me a job and I accepted. 132) She accepted that she had acted unwisely and mistakenly. 133) Everything about the child's adoption was against accepted practice. 134) She was accepted to study music. 135) The report of the committee was accepted. 136) Patco accepted full responsibility for operational management. 137) You should have accepted that. I'm disappointed in you. 138) The plan has been generally accepted. 139) He accepted the offer and the deal went through. 140) She accepted the money with alacrity. 141) I accepted the gift from my sister. 142) They have accepted the necessity of greater state intervention. 143) The king accepted the girl as his daughter. 144) They accepted willingly of the terms offered. 145) Ian accepted the suggestion without argument. 146) Bennett accepted the award with typical modesty. 147) She accepted the criticism with magnanimity. 148) She accepted his diagnosis without comment. 149) Revisionist historians have questioned the accepted version of events. 150) I offered help, and she accepted gratefully.