快好知 kuaihz

241) I've had nothing on paper to say that I've been accepted. 242) He accepted the decision with good grace, and wished me the very best of luck. 243) The nouveau riche have to find a way to be accepted. 244) She was disappointed not to be accepted into the club. 245) She has now accepted a posting as ambassador to Latvia. 246) It should be noted that dissertations submitted late will not be accepted. 247) Students accepted by Stanford Law School had very high scores on the LSAT. 248) He went through a period of wanting to be accepted. 249) I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them. 250) It is accepted that the superpowers are each seeking world wide domination. 251) Stephen Smith was accepted into the family like an adopted brother. 252) He was relieved of his post when he was found to have accepted bribes. 253) He was wreathed in smiles as he accepted the award. 254) Eventually I gave in and accepted the job on their terms. 255) Macdonald accepted that such information could be used to manipulate, to obfuscate, and to mislead. 256) Only original documents will be accepted as proof of status. 257) He was accepted onto the course after passing the medical. 258) Contrary to all expectations, she was accepted by the academy. 259) For years she struggled with/against the establishment to get her theories accepted. 260) They accepted without demur. 261) After several weeks of argument; the trade union leaders had to haul down their colours and accepted the government's earlier offer. 262) She accepted the prospect of her operation with equanimity . 263) The workforce is generally accepted to have the best conditions in Europe. 264) The equity of the referee's decision was accepted by everyone. 265) Although he accepted our criticism, it still stuck in his throat. 266) The peace plan has not been accepted in its entirety by all parties. 267) Put a tick by/against the names of the people who have accepted the invitation. 268) The findings of this research do not comport with accepted theory. 269) Guerrilla groups have accepted the government's offer of amnesty and have begun demobilizing. 270) The proposals were unpopular and were only accepted in a modified form.