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31. Today we tell about the art collector and cultural supporter, Isabella Stewart Gardner. 32. Today, we tell about the famous artist Jackson Pollock who helped redefine modern art in the United States. 33. Deduce a neoclassicism , cooperate the mesa with plump and smooth-skinned colour and lustre, the Wen Wan that reflects goodwife is temperamental, tell about white dream to us. 34. Today we tell about the life and work of one of America's greatest music writers: Scott Joplin,[/tell about.html] the King of Ragtime. 35. Today, we tell about one of America's greatest jazz musicians, Charlie Parker. 36. Today we tell about the work of the American artist and building designer Maya Lin. 37. Most of the songs are City Balladry, which tell about light narrative, expressive, and insinuative. These songs always make people touching because it mixes with strong personal experiences. 38. STEVE EMBER: And I'm Steve Ember with People in America in VOA Special English. Today we tell about the world's most famous doctor for children, Benjamin Spock. 39. We also tell about the administration of President Franklin Roosevelt. 40. If you'd like to share your thoughts on this topic or have a true-life situation to tell about weight discrimination at work, please use the "Comments" section below. 41. Today, we tell about one of the most famous national parks in the United States. You can find it high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of the western state of California. 42. There was one tale, for example, that she would tell about an aunt who had cared for her blind, bed-bound mother for years -- and then suddenly hanged herself from a bedpost. 43. And we tell about an albatross thought to be America's oldest free-flying bird. 44. Today Shirley Griffith and Frank Oliver tell about a famous World War Two pilot, Jimmy Doolittle. 45. Today we tell about Winslow Homer, considered to be the greatest American artist of the nineteenth century. 46. He has spent several minutes to tell about that viewpoint detailedly. 47. Today, we tell about Stephen Foster, America's first popular professional songwriter.