快好知 kuaihz

1. Brown calcareous soils contain carbonate materials in the form of rock or shell fragments. 2. Calcareous soils are freely drained soils containing free calcium carbonate within the profile. 3. Higher slopes reveal widening seams of calcareous marl, sand and thin seams of marl, sandy-lignites and clayey-lignites. 4. The calcareous clays, such as East Anglian boulder clay, are alkaline and therefore will not suit azaleas or rhododendrons. 5. Calcareous regosols contain free calcium carbonate in the parent material, shelly sand. 6. The calcareous skeletons of this distinctive species have weathered out from the limestone matrix. 7. The desorption kinetics of phosphorus calcareous soil in China. 8. Building material including concretes, calcareous tuff and glass. 9. Calcareous clay soils have high limestone content that neutralizes natural acidity of the soil. 10. It was showed that rape grown on calcareous soil would depress Mn toxicity due to the teste. 11. In lithology , the calcareous sandstone is of coarse grain and fairly well sorted. 12. When the mood is agitated, eats rich calcareous archery target food suitably. 13. Through calcareous milkiness liquid deposition, optimum reaction conditions were selected. 14. It was showed that rape grown calcareous soil would depress Mn toxicity due to the teste. 15. The axenic solution culture and pot experiments in calcareous soils were carried out to study the effect of Fe on nodulation, nitrogenase activity and the nitrogen fixation of Rhizobium-Peanut. 16. The soil, a calcareous sandy loam, pH 8.4 ( H _ 2 O ) was collected from Avon, South Australia. 17. The host rocks are mainly calcareous siltstone and silty slate. 18. Calcareous sediments accumulated on a sea floor and eventually were compacted and cemented to form limestone. 19. Idle such as vinegar, can soften the spirit of the calcareous; diligent like alcohol, can burn the flame of wisdom. 20. Sand Particle-shaped quartz, often mixed with fine grains of calcareous origin in Champagne. 21. They are often found mixed with other clay minerals and with calcareous materials. 22. Carbonation plays a particularly important role in the weathering of calcareous rocks. 23. Marlstone high up on some north-facing slopes, with an isolated stratum of fine calcareous sand up to fifteen metres thick in places. 24. Basins in Jiangxi province mostly are red basins dominated by sandy conglomerate, and some conglomerate and sandstone with calcareous and ferruginous cementation. 25. The results of plate load test show that bearing capacity and deformation modulus of calcareous sand are much bigger than silica sand, but deformation is much smaller. 26. The Saliyak melange consists of dark-gray to black muddy and silty microclastic rock with intercalation of grayish purple and grayish green calcareous and muddy shale, marl and tuff. 27. Calcite cementation seens a possibility where lime grains or calcareous organisms are abundant. 28. The lower deposited in upper tidal zone with low-energy is chiefly calcareous siltstone-silt limestone. 29. The valuable heavy placer minerals consist of ilmenite, monazite, zircon, and rutile etc, which are mainly distributed in calcareous biological sand in the Beikang, Nankang and Zengmu submarine banks. 30. Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark, inky fluid when in danger.