act as造句121. The federal army has been called in to act as a buffer in areas of high tension.
122. In his will he left £12 to be given to twelve old maids who were to act as pall bearers.
123. Thus a disordered sequence of clauses or sentences can act as an iconic representation of material or emotional disorder.
124. These channels act as on-ramps to the Internet or other on-line information services.
125. He does not, but his genes act as if they do.
126. Compton proposed that the quantum of light could act as if it were a particle, and he christened this the photon.
127. A Zoological Society was founded in London in 1826 to act as a showcase for Britain's colonial possessions.
128. This sentence certainly will not act as a deterrent to other drunk drivers.
129. The black and white stripes of the skunks act as a powerful deterrent, even from a great distance.
130. To deal with disputes over such matters, regional health authorities will act as conciliators.
131. They act as a bond between people through providing amusement or an experience shared and believed to be held in common.
132. These people need to be enabled to act as representatives for their agencies and as link-persons with other agencies.
133. Let us therefore assume that nervous disorders act as an intervening variable.
134. And then your office can do what it does best: act as an arena for your focused business energies.
135. This obscures the fact that although States act as their representatives in international arenas, individuals remain as third parties.
136. For example, the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has the ability to produce crystalline spores which act as natural insecticides.
137. But he was prepared to act as Guntram's agent in his dealings with bishop Theodore of Marseilles.
138. Whether that would act as a deterrent is, of course, another question altogether.
139. The gorge was his theater and the railways were delighted to act as his agents.
140. Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.William James
141. In the meantime, his assistant, Mr Ronnie Moran, would act as caretaker manager.
142. W I Carr Pension Trustees act as trustee and administrator for the plan.
143. I was not ready to act as if I were dead already.
144. From then on, act as if you've never met her before, avoid the mundane and lavish her with compliments.
145. The developer or his land buyer should act as the catalyst in such situations.
146. Lord Reid said that the courts must carry out this task by construing the Act as a whole.
147. It is your civic duty to act as a juror.
148. And I could act as if running a new household was an ambition f could concentrate on and fall in love with.
149. Even in towns women did not normally act as traders.
150. This traffic also permitted the firm to act as a channel of communications between the two governments in wartime.