as such造句61 As such he or she establishes a close working relationship with the chief executive officer.
62 It would seem that acromegaly as such does not directly impair gall bladder contraction.
63 Colette, it was, who looked at the calendar and identified that day as such.
64 Polo is a team game, hunting is a gregarious activity, and he uses it as such.
65 She is a gentlewoman born, as you know, let her always be treated as such.
66 As such it underlined Clinton's growing reputation for resilience and once again demonstrated his effectiveness as a campaigning politician.
67 Not only is it an urgent national security issue, it must be treated as such.
68 As such, they are less sluggish than the average band.
69 The appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such.
70 But this group are the bedrock of the institution - and as such should figure prominently in our prayers.
71 Violence is not the monopoly of the exploiters and as such the exploited can use it too and, moreover, ought to use it when the moment arrives.Che Guevara
72 In practice, they are the only important regular market makers and as such collectively constitute the trading core of the market.
73 To appreciate the significance of the lyrical origin of tragedy, we must first elucidate lyric poetry as such.
74 As such they can not be ignored, unlike the findings of a public inquiry which are purely advisory.
75 Current law states that a child conceived posthumously is legally fatherless and should be registered as such.
76 From then on, the labour movement offered no serious opposition to conscription as such.
77 A professional career as such seemed out of the question; his only ambition in life was to be an artist.
78 Arcane as such arguments may now seem, they were an important impediment to cooperation 2There were also disagreements about military strategy.
79 As such, a career in local government offers a challenge and opportunity to make a positive contribution to society.
80 As such, they fall outside the scope of this particular discussion.
81 It was not an alien phenomenon and, as such, did not provoke an extreme response or demand extreme measures.
82 As such, redevelopment may be in the public interest even if it conflicts with local policy.
83 As such it seems particularly appropriate for a time of rapid change and the need to unlearn dogmatism.
84 There are exceptions, but the fact that information is held in confidence is not as such a sufficient reason for exemption.
85 Collocations represent a further linguistic constraint upon text, and as such may be exploited by the semantic analyser.
86 Clarke could be a martinet, and as such was frequently a buffer for Alvin.
87 I was still unemployed, and happy as such, for it gave me more time for the TA.
88 Intel favours using cash rather than stock as such deals are less prone to the stock market volatility.
89 As such it is a perfect primer for those only discovering her ebullient vocal mastery.
90 These are not new jobs as such, but rather jobs that have been reclassified as service sector jobs.