as such造句91 The first microprocessor as such was produced commercially by Intel in the United States in 1971.
92 Like Polybius, we repeat, he did not question the Roman conquests as such.
93 There are no real department stores as such, most shops being small and specialized.
94 Gorman worked on the Railway as a platelayer and as such, occupied a small cottage maybe 200yd away from the main line.
95 It was never realised as such, of course, and the conflict for supremacy between popes and kings took centuries to resolve.
96 The family is actually the primary engine of economic growth, and yet it has never been recognized as such.
97 There may be no moral turpitude or manipulation as such.
98 As such, the operation was essentially different from planning which involved prior political judgements about what ought to be achieved.
99 What is left, it is claimed, will be self-evident truths which can be accepted as such by all open minds.
100 As such they have to be understood with nuances of influence and control often benign but sometimes narrow in focus.
101 In a way, whether I see myself as such or not.
102 Before getting to grips with the corporatism as such, it is worth looking at the idea of the local state.
103 As such, it is intended to draw wider lessons about the workings of pressure groups in modern Britain.
104 Numbers in the range 0.1 to 1 will be printed as such.
105 As such, he has' Impeccable credentials as a commentator on the reasons underlying its success.
106 They are often described as speciality products and are priced as such.
107 For there is in the Orient no interest in the individual as such, or in unique, unprecedented facts or events.
108 Paul Bosvelt's cross to the near post appeared to be converted by Kluivert and was credited as such by the referee.
109 Its layout reflects the mechanical limitations of early typewriters and as such hardly constitutes an intuitive ordering that would facilitate rapid learning.
110 As such it was prod and key to personal achievement and productivity.
111 To sum up, Kitzbuhel is a major year round sporting and leisure centre and as such offers every facility.
112 The child is not simply afraid of failure as such, though it is part of his anxiety.
113 However, these are not attributes of an individual as such, which for fairness might be viewed as a necessary condition.
114 It is commonplace to hear people claiming to learn by their mistakes but that assumes that a mistake is recognized as such.
115 The other heads advance in a menacing manner towering over the kneeling deity, identified as such by his head-dress.
116 The existence of such systems is less important than the fact that they are technically feasible and get reported as such.
117 As such, the subject contains internal objects, representations which determine the relation to what is misleadingly called external reality.
118 This suggests that axons within such a bundle recognise one another using molecular cues and as such its relevance may be quite general.
119 What I object to is the craze for machinery, not machinery as such.
120 The story of his binding makes clear that he remains so, and that he must be accepted as such.