hard time造句61. I tried to find the house but I had such a hard time, I decided to give up.
62. Schools around the state say they're having a hard time attracting and retaining teachers, especially in certain fields.
63. People of his generation often have a hard time with computers.
64. I4e was having a hard time still and his day was a steady stream of disappointments.
65. Anyone calling the 202 area code this weekend had a hard time getting through.
66. Even the birds have a hard time of it, and you and Mr..
67. I'm still having a hard time getting the company to pay me.
68. Many people have a hard time reconciling the wedding of their dreams with realistic costs.
69. The merry old woman had a hard time not laughing as they carried her into the coach.
70. To people in those days, relief meant temporary help in a hard time, until they could do better.
71. The crew gave him a hard time, and even the cast was cautious about him.
72. Maybe Modigliani gave them a hard time, I don't know.
73. I was having a really hard time and I went down with Isabel and my dad.
74. He had had a very hard time indeed to persuade the King, but he had spared no pains.
75. The laughter had stopped a while ago and, ever since, Lydia's imagination had been giving her a hard time.
76. Watson had been given a hard time from the Wednesday crowd before those goals but is now hoping the tide has turned.
77. Early in the 1890s, physicians in California were having a hard time reconciling their scientific knowledge about leprosy with their sinophobia.
78. Go easy on Peter - he's having a hard time at school.
79. It's not my fault, John. Don't give me a hard time.
80. Her boss, Detective Hineline, is always giving her a hard time and she never gets really mad at him.
81. I had a hard time relaxing during the West Coast shutdown.
82. The staff had a hard time assuring him that is was all make-believe.
83. Stop giving me such a hard time. I'm doing my best.
84. The economy had suffered severe depression in the eariy 1960s and was having a hard time reviving.
85. By contrast, books such as Randi's have a hard time finding enthusiastic editors.
86. A lot of people are having a hard time making ends meet.
87. My mother gave me a really hard time about Freddy. She couldn't stand him.
88. People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar.Thich Nhat Hanh
89. Extradition is a terrifying prospect for drug traffickers, who fear hard time in U.S. prisons.
90. Problems he had a hard time learning how to solve.