hard time造句121. If kids have a hard time keeping up academically, they may need to drop an activity.
122. My English is far from prefect. I have a hard time with pronunciation.
123. Don't give me a hard time, boys. I'm trying to study.
124. "They say World Market, but it seemed like almost everything in there is from China, " she says. "They need to change the name to Cost Plus Chinese Market. You'd have a hard time shopping there.
125. "Personally, I suspect that a whole pack of full-grown T. rex would have a very hard time finding enough to eat," Longrich said.
126. Then I went to college, and my sorority sisters gave me a hard time about my scraggly nubs when it was time for rush.
127. On the other hand, if I wore the hair shirt too much, I would have a hard time convincing voters to give me another chance to serve.
128. If you're having a hard time vomiting, stick your index finger down your throat, which will trigger a puking episode.
129. Even the most starry-eyed techno-enthusiasts have a hard time imagining, say, a Boeing 787 built by 'mass collaboration.
130. He had a hard time to hold on to himself.
131. A high inflation rate imported hard time for the consumer.
132. Instead, the researchers said that both heavy Internet use, and nonuse, could serve as signals that a teenager was having a hard time.
133. For Mr. Gilb, a writer who has a hard time moving on to the next sentence if the previous one is not perfect, the stroke also threw his literary future into question.
134. In a quite hard time, we maintained very healthy financial standing.
135. That, and I have a hard time throwing away items that are still usable.
136. We had a hard time scraping up enough money for me to get down here.
137. In this specific case, without a fork, the Android project would have had a hard time achieving its goals (with regard to power management and more) in a commercially useful time.
138. He's screwing, not real steady... He's having a hard time maintaining serious air speed.
139. If you find yourself in a situation where plans are fluid and you're having a hard time keeping focused, try the following techniques.
140. Men have had a hard time for the last fifteen years. The women'smovement knocked the stuffing out of them.
141. Mr. Firestone, a 28-year-old software engineer, said he could try to get financing for a start-up from venture capital firms now, "but I feel like I'd be having a hard time. Here you get to learn."
142. If you're having a hard time imagining what an education in entrepreneurship should include, allow me to prime the pump with some lessons I've learned along the way.
143. Power strategies have a hard time buying high rune cost heroes and constructs, so there's only a fairly narrow band of costs that appeal to them.
144. Poor Jimmie is having a hard time peddling his bonds.
145. I've been having a hard time keeping my eyes open just listening to it. It's like a special music.
146. Downing hopes the Boro faithful wouldn't give him a hard time if he does eventually return in opposition colours.
147. Do stepparents usually have a hard time winning the confidence of their stepchildren?
148. Researchers have long suspected that type 2 diabetes and depression were a two-way street, but had a hard time nailing it down.
149. Consumers had a hard time gaining confidence in the new ownership even after the Chinese acquirer decided to keep most of IBM’s original sales and technical supports teams.
150. The body has a hard time eliminating the bacteria completely, and natural immunity after a bout with the microbes lasts only about six months.