快好知 kuaihz

(1) East is east, and west is west. (2) East or west, home is best. (3) Travel east or travel west, a man's own home is still the best. (4) east or west, home is best. (5) The East Wind prevails over the West Wind. (6) The land is barren on the east coast. (7) The wind shifted from east to north. (8) He worked in the Middle East for ten years. (9) East of the gorge leveled out. (10) We'll probably go away at Easter. (11) He became the uncrowned king of the East End, scoring 28 goals in his first season. (12) I was born in Fort Worth but we moved around a lot and I was reared in east Texas. (13) There has been a marked increase in trade between East and West. (14) The eleventh century saw the formal rupture between East and West. (15) The entire east wing of the building was demolished in the fire. (16) East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet. (17) He lived on the east coast of the United States. (18) He began to season the arid climate in the Middle East. (19) The East and the West can work together for their mutual benefit and progress. (20) In the east we could see the first faint glimmer of dawn. (21) setVariables() uses the easting and northing values to set required variables. (22) Diseussion about the course during molding and easting of negative pressure dry-sand EPC has been expounded. (23) For a combatant of the Battle of 73 Easting, simulations came as a trinity. (24) Diseussion about the course during molding and easting of negative dry - sand EPC has been expounded. (25) This MGRS point is accurate within one meter and is presented using 15 characters, where the last 10 characters are the easting and northing values within the specified grid. (26) There are numerous accounts in "Armor" magazine, as well as a decent account of the Battle of 73 Easting in Tom Clancy's "Armored Cav". (27) The collection of photogrammctric data provides free elevation data in addition to the northing and easting data of the ground plane. (28) In making the radio waves correspond to each sound in turn , messages are carried from a broad easting station to a receiving set . (29) The getNorthing() (in Listing 5) and getEasting() (in Listing 6) methods calculate the northing and easting values. (30) Objective To compare the retention of the plastic core with GISRR(Glass Ionomer Silver Reinforced Restorative) with that of the easting core.