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31. The continuation order has no bearing on arrangements for next year's pay settlement. 32. A continuation of the softly, softly approach, raising rates in quarter-point increments, therefore seems appropriate. 33. They favor continuation of Puerto Rico's status as a U.S. commonwealth. 34. After completing your continuation training you will be drafted to a seagoing vessel for up to two and a half years. 35. Continuation of this trend will eventually require investment in capacity expansion in the Middle East. 36. He got into trouble once too often and wound up in continuation school. 37. By a 45-vote majority the Congress supported the continuation of the monetary reform policy freezing an estimated US$115,000 million in private financial assets. 38. So, a sort of ignominious continuation - Elvis Costello's thirty-third album! 39. The two issued a joint statement calling for the continuation of negotiations between the two blocs. 40. The Centre supports the continuation of limited ivory trading, in defiance of an international ban. 41. Anything less is not a change but only a continuation of the flux. 42. This was evidenced by the continuation of her long-established teaching methods and forms of classroom organisation between sessions with the advisory teacher. 42. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 43. A continuation of wartime industrial conscription was a popular choice. 44. This consideration has resulted in continuation of the same procedures with some minor modifications for the second phase of pilot schemes. 45. His benefit package may include the payment of school fees for his children and the continuation of pension arrangements. 46. In any case, the continuation of the war was forcing the revolution to dig much deeper than the topsoil of reforms. 47. The path least likely to cause trouble appears to be the continuation of direct rule from Westminster. 48. Take the track which is a continuation of the access road to the Arnside Knott car park. 49. Most of all, Nixon justified the continuation of the war by raising the issue of the POWs held by Hanoi. 50. But while the Raiders enjoyed this victory, they also understand the need for continuation. 51. Observers have pointed to the potential contradictions of a self-help project which is heavily reliant for its continuation on external funding. 52. This policy of constant education must inevitably extend to the continuation of the educational process beyond normal school-leaving age. 53. The past 30 years has seen a continuation of the break-up of the old landlord and tenant system. 54. The Faculty sees no logic in basing the fuel scale charge on cost and therefore supports the continuation of the present system. 55. A referendum on Pinochet's continuation in power was put to the voters. 56. What is happening now is a continuation of the colonial war that Moscow relaunched in 1999 to get Putin elected. 57. The plan provided for large-scale modernization and renovation of public housing and the continuation of some housing subsidies for new construction. 58. This would weaken the fight against oppression and allow a continuation of oppressive practices. 59. The continuation of farming is not so much the objective of the Directive but the means to attain its objectives. 60. At the same time limited continuation of guerrilla activity would continue indefinitely.