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121. On the contrary, downward continuation is one of the most difficult operations in conversion and processing of potential field, because of the high frequency oscillation effect. 122. Lenin quoted Clausewitz, " War is the continuation of politics by other means. " 123. In fact, it's been six years since they had such negotiations," he said, adding that the February 2 Quartet meeting is a continuation of international efforts to support the peace initiative. 124. The states of an action include progression, continuation, and completion. In Chinese adverbs and aspectual particles are often used to express the state of an action. 125. Many Americans see Japan's economic juggernaut as a continuation of war by other means. 126. Trade creditors are likely to be interested in an enterprise over a shorter period than lenders unless they are dependent upon the continuation of the enterprise as a major customer. 127. Continuation power flow method, the strong tool of voltage stability analysis, can overcome the problem of singularity of Jacobin matrix when running close to collapse point. 128. Yes, this continuation ( line , move ) was elaborated by grandmaster X. 129. The founding fathers compromised , permitting the continuation of the slave trade through 1808. 130. The method of regularization and the technique of upper and lower solutions are employed to show the local existence and the continuation of the positive classical solution of the above problem. 131. It, s a continuation which terrified in another way of the sacker : Attack from the predatory loaner! 132. So,[http:///continuation.html] the problem of reactive power constrains of generator at slack bus should be considered when calculating the load margin and critical voltage by using the method of continuation power flow. 133. "Eight of coagulation factor" is in most healthy people may be unfamiliar words, but it's in hemophiliacs is the continuation of life, hope. 134. A price formation that can either signal a reversal or a continuation of price movement. 135. Tail docked at approximately second joint, appears to be a continuation of the spine, and is carried only slightly above the horizontal when the dog is alert. 136. During designs for rebuilding and continuation, there are succession and even more creation in inosculation of traditional and modern building. 137. But from judicial practice, the verdict overthrows first instance procedure, led the case to a condition of untried and makes a defendant confronted with the continuation of taking into custody. 138. If you use continuation servers pervasively, the user experience will change. 139. This scenario will prove out a continuation of a downtrend. 140. The gland wall is a continuation of the carotid wall and consists of intima ultima. 141. Prestack migration of common shot records is very sensitive to the velocity input, and demands a kind of continuation formula which can adapt to both vertical and lateral velocity variations. 142. Aeromagnetic data downward continuation to sea level instead of marine magnetic survey data can improve use capability of survey data. 143. His hosts briefed him about theDarwinplan, explaining it as continuation of a longstanding military partnership under the ANZUS Treaty signed in 1951. 144. The May number of the magazine will contain an exciting continuation of the story. 145. We always consider the Chinese revolution ( as ) a continuation of the Great october Socialist Revolution. 146. In stroke play, the ball the player hit out of bounds was a wrong ball, and the ball played under Rule 27-1 was a continuation of the play of that wrong ball. 147. The campaigns of Democrats Baraka Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton dismissed the McCain plan as a continuation of George Bush's policies. 148. Several lessons learnt from the effort to expand treatment have provided us with valuable guidance for the continuation of efforts towards universal access to treatment. 149. The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution. 150. If a line begins with a single space, it is considered a continuation of the previous line (even if the previous line is a comment) and the single leading space is removed.