快好知 kuaihz

31. Nothing marred the unanimity of the proceedings. 32. They finally agreed to that plan in unanimity. 33. All our opinions are tending to unanimity. 34. About this there is unanimity among the historians. 35. Sheeplike is the word for the near unanimity in the annual best-of awards that have been recently announced by the 27 critics' associations I keep tabs on. 36. His views on knowledge economy have been accepted with unanimity. 37. In almost every discussion there is bound to be some disagreement, Don't expect unanimity. 38. In the present case[/unanimity.html], unanimity was achieved at the price of watering down the provisions that require other countries to search North Korean vessels. 39. They have reached unanimity on who will be the presidential candidate for the next general election. 40. They are reaching unanimity. 41. This indicates that the reform of the BOC is confirmed in unanimity. 42. For inspecting topological and geometrical unanimity of a solid model, principle of closed path topology and Euler′s formula are important tools. 43. There are certain issues on which Britain would stand pat and insist on unanimity. 44. There is no unanimity of opinion as to the best one. 45. After "breaking off the way to heaven", the view of communication between god and man tranferred to the one of "unanimity of heaven and man"to deify the king's right in essence. 46. New features could only be added to the language only when all committee members reached unanimity. 47. So that the socialist democracy is the unanimity of ends and means. 48. There is no unanimity among surgeons concerning the most effective and safest operative techniques. 49. Unanimity was attained after the discussion ended after three hours. 50. The council reached unanimity on the third day of deliberations.