快好知 kuaihz

1. These discussions have led to a remarkable unanimity. 2. There is no unanimity of opinion among the medical profession on this subject. 3. The rule of unanimity on most decisions was upheld. 4. They voted 3-1 for unanimity, Councilman Bauser abstaining. 5. All decisions would require unanimity. 6. Unanimity is still required for a new commission tax directive to be approved within two years. 7. There is virtual unanimity of preference for oral teaching which might seem to overbear the possibility of opposition. 8. We were surprised by the degree of unanimity in this concern, but also in a way by its maturity. 8.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 9. Does the political leadership act with unanimity on all major issues? 2. 10. Similarly radicals overstate the degree of unanimity among the medical profession, which is in fact riven with dissension and competing ideologies. 11. In the technical literature, virtual unanimity reigns: most of the variation among individual IQs is due to variation in genes. 12. Coordinators' unanimity about attitude change in their schools is significant for two reasons. 13. However, the effect of requiring unanimity means in practice that any one constituent body has a right of veto. 14. This unanimity encouraged local leaders to abstain from political initiatives and to concentrate on local and day-to-day issues. 15. First, the decision would require unanimity, not so much for legal but for political purposes. 16. Employment policies based on that kind of scientific unanimity can be implemented with confidence. 17. There was a remarkable unanimity of spirit and commitment that many today remember with fondness, despite the many hardships we endured. 18. Members of both parties accepted our proposals with unanimity. 19. Our American unity does not depend upon unanimity. 20. Our discussions led to complete unanimity. 21. We won't all agree, but we need to achieve a degree of unanimity. 22. But the ministers favoured a more gradual approach, entailing unanimity at each stage. 23. Acting unanimously, the member States could have informally amended the treaty provisions, but without such unanimity they each remained bound. 24. Contemporary artists favour a droit de suite with near unanimity, even though their work rarely finds a secondary market. 25. This will remain outside Community competence and therefore a matter for intergovernmental co-operation, with all substantive decisions being made by unanimity. 26. It provides that the Council may, but only by unanimity, designate certain decisions to be taken by qualified majority voting. 27. The longer I live, the harder I shall fight against the rule of unanimity and the veto. 28. Third, Rawls' conception of the person does not lead to unanimity of moral views. 29. I can only record that prisoners and prison staff displayed a rare unanimity in condemning the present system. 30. The Victorian asylum movement was successful largely because of a unanimity of views on the subject by most men of influence.