fast asleep造句31. But this time on their return to the car he fell fast asleep within minutes.
32. Undressing, she tumbled naked into the wide bed, and within seconds was fast asleep.
33. Her eyelids began to droop and before long she was fast asleep.
34. Heather turned it slightly and saw that he was fast asleep.
35. The second time around, Stafford was fast asleep, wedged in between two large blond businessmen.
36. He had curled up on to his bed at the first opportunity and fallen fast asleep.
37. Billie was fast asleep; it had been a long and boring trip for some one crammed in the back.
38. One was reading a newspaper, the other was fast asleep, a rumbling snore like a low-flying aircraft emanating from him.
39. She went back as she had come, fast asleep and docile, her face expressionless.
40. And his daughter, her big head lolling across his chest, was fast asleep.
41. Most people were fast asleep when the hurricane struck at 4.05 pm.
42. From the sound of his rhythmic breathing, Loretta could tell he was fast asleep.
43. Midnight approaches, and those not on duty are fast asleep.
44. They kissed, and Felicity fell fast asleep, tired from her journey.
45. In the village, taxers and taxed were fast asleep.
46. He was lying prone on the couch, fast asleep.
47. He was fast asleep, and snored like thunder.
48. He's under a haystack, fast asleep.
49. He's under the haycock, fast asleep.
50. He seems to be fast asleep.
51. They were both fast asleep in their cots.
52. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.
53. After this they came to a shore where there were no less than sixty-five great red parrots with blue tails, sitting on a rail all of a row, and all fast asleep.
54. I was whacked, and by 7:00, I was fast asleep.
55. I was fast asleep in my butch at that time.
56. When the first streak of sunlight reaches the depth of several grottoes, the others may continue to be fast asleep and even remain in dark all day long.
57. If it's a school night, most students will be fast asleep by the time it ends.
58. You can't think, see, and seize it, as if your body were vacated, nothing in it. All is so tranquil seems to be fast asleep.
59. He hoped to feel better after each visit, but rarely did, even after a session with a Jungian analyst who fell fast asleep during his patient's "free association" on the couch.
60. Quite true, they are always trying to destroy us. I fully admit the soundness of this appraisal, and indeed one would have to be fast asleep to overlook the point.