activated造句1. The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.
2. His spirit has greatly activated the audience.
3. Video cameras with night vision can be activated by movement.
4. The burglar alarm is activated by movement.
5. The yeast's growth is activated by sugar and warmth.
6. The emergency shutdown procedure was activated.
7. The burglar alarm was activated by mistake.
8. The recording device has activated.
9. He activated the door with the miniature sonic transmitter.
10. The alarm is activated by the lightest pressure.
11. The gene is activated by a specific protein.
12. A sentry checked the ID card's authenticity then activated the electronic turnstile.
13. It is activated by a turn of a switch.
14. Activated charcoal with sorbitol was administered by nasogastric tube.
15. Specific promoters are activated in specific cells.
16. The bomb's firing mechanism is activated by a time-clock.
16.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. The process is activated by sunlight.
18. The smoke activated the sprinkler system.
19. The input cells are activated only by sensory input.
20. The computer itself could only be activated by an access code known solely to Bailey.
21. The life of activated carbon is limited - factors like gallonage and stocking levels affecting it.
22. Rust closed the door by remote control then activated his mechanized wheelchair and approached them.
23. A Pessarane Behesht sleeper cell has been activated in London to assist you.
24. So it seems that Ras can be activated by merely increasing the total cellular concentration of activator, without requiring receptor-dependent modification.
25. Activated charcoal, spread on a pan like baking soda, also alleviates an odor problem.
26. The other option is to have it resident at all times but is activated only when you want a fax converting.
27. You find that cells in adjacent parts of the visual cortex are activated by stimulation in adjacent parts of the visual field.
28. More important, perhaps, was the confluence of stimuli which activated the revolt of Sir Oswald Mosley against the political establishment.
29. Chemical filtration - for keeping butterfly and angelfish - means activated carbon.
30. Indeed, purified antigen-specific B lymphocytes from HIV-1-infected patients can be activated invitro by HIV-1 antigens to secrete cytokines and immunoglobulins.