breeder造句1, The breeder showed us the dog's pedigree.
2, Her father was a well-known racehorse breeder.
3, The top breeder who left her sheep to starve.
4, The breeder is best placed to advise you.
5, As a breeder, I give one week's supply of food with each puppy.
6, These are ideal for the amateur breeder or hobbyist who overwinter fish.
7, He became a nationally prominent horse breeder, fostered charities, sat on corporate boards, served in the Connecticut legislature.
8, A longtime breeder of champion bull mastiffs, Einstein is a smart, able, take-no-prisoners type of gal.
9, Three well-known Holstein breeders and show exhibitors collected Progressive Breeder Awards.
10, Additionally the controversial fast breeder and high temperature reactor projects are being re-examined.
11, Snake breeder Okan Guney says the birth of twelve emerald tree boas was the most important event in his life. pro.
12, The largest fast breeder reactor in the world is the Superphenix plant at Creys-Malville on the French/Swiss border.
13, I was told by their breeder that I wasn't giving them enough protein.
14, More recently, the demand for fast breeder reactors has seemed less urgent as worldwide supplies of uranium have become more plentiful.
15, The breeder bedded down the calf with straw.
17, My brother is a cattle breeder.
18, Public life has become a metaphysical breeder of fictions.
19, The second one Bert was a fat stock breeder.
20, For energy, the winners are physics, fusion and the breeder reactor.
21, We have a new series for the first time breeder by Jane van Lennep taken from her superb new book First Foal.
22, Depending on circumstances it may be more effective to either purchase animals from a commercial breeder or to breed one's own animals.
23, We would also have to discuss the development of fast breeder reactors,[http:///breeder.html] a necessity for all countries with limited uranium resources.
24, Why should we try to justify ourselves according to the breeder standards?
25, Protests reached their peak in 1977 with the decision to build the 1200 MWe fast breeder reactor at Creys-Malville.
26, A special committee named the Juddmonte Farms operation leading breeder.
27, Some, though, cause changes that can be selected by an alert breeder.
28, To get the most out of the mined uranium and thorium, they must be cycled through breeder reactors.
29, But the technology that makes power reactors possible also makes breeder reactors feasible.
30, His paternal grandfather farmed Craigie Mains, Symington and had a considerable reputation as a breeder of Ayrshire cattle.