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31, The infected breeder flocks are quarantined from uninfected flocks. 32, A breeder means a person who breeds animals. 33, Yes — or he soon will, said Cecelia Ruggles, a Connecticut dog breeder who owns Stump, the Sussex spaniel who won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club show this year. 34, Result suggested that wheat breeder should breed new varieties with not higher gluten content, but higher starch content, good noodle color stability and resistant pre-harvest sprouting. 35, "It has a richer flavor and it's milder and sweeter than beef," says Ellensburg beefalo breeder Mark Merril, "and more juicy." 36, To produce ( fissionable material ) in a breeder reactor. 37, If you wanna just take a quick look at a breeder reactor, we have either mixed oxide or plutonium oxide. There's a blanket region in which you can make plutonium using uranium 238. 38, In order to be a serious breeder, you must show and compete. 39, As breeder of T-1 creeping bentgrass, I developed the following guidelines to serve as a starting point in the management of this remarkable cultivar. 40, She is also a keen horsewoman and horse breeder whose horses have won major races. 41, Fast breeder reactor in Japan to promote nuclear fuel recycling policy, core facilities, "Monju" fast breeder reactor number is the prototype of the reactor stack. 42, A responsible, reputable breeder knows the genetics behind a pedigree. 43, So the breeder gave him to Jeremy Dingle, who soon realised that he had a special pup, now a top dog in the dachshund-racing[1] world. 44, One such fast breeder reactor (the SNR-300) was planned for Kalkar, a town in Germany close to the Belgian and Dutch borders. 45, In addition, Tin Wan expansion and demonstration fast breeder reactor project made important progress, March 23, 2010, China and Russia signed a framework contract extension Tin. 46, In the freezing breeze, the breeder greedily squeezed oil from the seeds. 47, Of course, the breeder reactor program involved in SIPI was not a routine government program. 48, Selecting a potential brood bitch is the best interest of the breeder to produce consistent litters. 49, The biggest suggestion I have for people thinking about getting an OES (Old English Sheepdog), would be to make sure you find a reputable breeder. 50, Qingyuanma is a local meat - type breeder with slow - growth, small - body and high quality meat from Qingyuan China. 51, So is the scope of fat, just that Bert was fat and Bert was a stock breeder. 52, There is an intermediate type of ryegrass first produced by a New Zealand plant breeder. 53, A dog breeder defends an Old English bulldog when he is accused of selling a pet that can't be legally registered. He claims the owner is making up excuses to try and get rid of the animal. 54, Such estimates can aid the breeder by pointing to conflicting trends in relation to selection. 55, A breeder checks on the health status of conserved maize germplasm in Ibadan, Nigeria. 56, Or is it that fat goes with stock breeder and Bert was a Fat stock breeder. And finally cross reference. 57, Dog breeder : A Boston terrier makes a very good watchdog, if properly trained. 58, The system of the "plant-line cycle method" and low temperature and low humidity preservation of the breeder seed is introduced. 59, Importation of contaminated great grandparent (GGP) and grandparent (GP) meat breeder lines has however enabled ALV-J to enter many countries. 60, Along with the development of nuclear power technology in china, it is necessary to develop the fast breeder reactor ( fast reactor) through own efforts.