快好知 kuaihz

1. Marx never lost an opportunity to castigate colonialism. 2. Marx wrote about the political struggles of the working class. 3. Marx points out the potential conflicts below the surface of society. 4. Marx was the progenitor of communism. 5. The life of Marx is remarkably well documented. 6. Marx was the progenitorof Communism. 7. Groucho Marx had a thick black moustache. 8. Marx wrote about the class struggle. 9. Marx was strongly influenced by the historian Niebuhr. 10. Marx wrote about the exploitation of the workers. 11. Marx wrote of the class struggle between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. 12. Weber parted company with Marx on a number of important issues. 13. Marx and his followers were convinced that capitalism would destroy itself. 14. Marx founded a new science: the science of the history of social formations. 15. Marx wrote back to say that Engels'praise had greatly encouraged him. 16. Marx once described religion as the 'opium of the people'. 17. For Marx the material world is the ultimate reality.http:///marx.html 18. Marx to the vagaries of social and economic systems. 19. Even Marx intended that the state should wither away. 20. She worshipped him for worshipping Marx, or appeared to. 21. Ruben Marx, then a security branch warrant officer. 22. Finally, we sketch the evolution of Marxism after Marx. 23. Marx maintained that only labour produces wealth. 24. For Marx, it was an increasingly devastating fact of capitalist life. 25. In their long lives, Marx and Engels faced many different contexts and drew necessarily different tactical conclusions. 26. The question of scale: Marx identified the rise of large-scale industry as one of the progressive features of capitalism. 27. Marx none the less believed that an external reality did exist, and that human consciousness could understand it. 28. In Formen Marx is mainly concerned with other contradictory combinations of incompatible social principles. 29. Marx saw this point of view as legitimizing the institutions on which nineteenth-century capitalist society was built. 30. You must be illiterate if you've never heard of Marx.