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151. Karl Marx had tried to harness the German will. 152. Capitalism is a term invented by Karl Marx. 153. The listening text is about Karl Marx. 154. Marx and Engels's natural control thinking are important elements of nature view in Marxism. 155. This thesis t hinks that subject is the joint betwe en marx dialectics and Hegel dialectics. 156. All-round development of human beings is a core statement Marx argues about the(development) of society and that of human beings, which depend on each other. 157. Of pair of implicit this one trend in the interest rate theory of Marx foreknow. 158. The state and political theory of Marx was founded on the objective law of social development. 159. As Veblen said, not unsympathetically, Marx never even deigns to prove his contention. 160. The formation of our constructing a harmonious society is developed from Karl Marx and Lenin, and then sublimed with our socialist practice. 161. Such hypocrisy was not out of character for Karl Marx. 162. Marx treat capitalist industrial organization in the view of Darwinism. 163. Marx was a monist. For him there was one explanation for any social, personal or political problem: the class struggle. 164. The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach s visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx. 165. Otherwise, how can one explain why a man who could have nymphs, Bentleys, yachts, and everything money can buy opts for the "illusionary" – to paraphrase Marx – rewards of the hereafter? 166. Friedrich Engels, close comrade - in - arms of Karl Marx, great leader the world proletariat, was born at Barmen. 167. In fact, even the early Marx on disassimilation is also fundamentally different to Existentialism. 168. For all the face-saving intellectual contortions , everyone knows it's Adam Smith and not Karl Marx at the rudder of this communist economy. 169. There are both the inevitable contact and the hypostatic differences between the theory of harmonious society of Marx and Engels and utopian socialism. 170. These had been reflected most obvious in Kawakami's economic study, which is just the process of his study from Adam Smith to Marx. 171. Marx et al have described this process. One hundred and fifty milliliters of whole blood is drawn into a citrated container. 172. According to Marx, the communist society will substitute a new thesis of "the free development of everyone" for the outworn thesis of "the value of man". 173. Marx exceeds rationalistic metaphysics and Political Economy and realizes the ontological transform of production. 174. Plenty of noteworthy folks sat in on the action -- including director George S. Kauffman, humorist Robert Benchley, and actors Harpo Marx and Talulah Bankhead. 175. Adam Smith and Marx expound respectively the issue of primitive accumulation from different angles. 176. The dissert, Marx on labor force of two basic conditions becomes commodity, is very incisive and penetrating, it's the abstract science theory of the history given rise to society economy appearance. 177. Marx and Post - modernist both subvert traditional concept of subject. 178. At the polling place at the Karl Marx primary school in downtown Bobigny, a working-class suburb of Paris, by contrast, there was no sense that Europe's future hinged on the constitution. 179. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels had never advocated the democratic centndism. 180. In recent centuries, there are three viewpoints on the argument about how Feuerbach affected Marx. They are "the equation theory", "the irrelevancy theory" and "the link theory".