快好知 kuaihz

1. I would respectfully agree with this comment. 2. They stood respectfully when he entered the room. 3. 'You are an artist,' she said respectfully. 4. The students behaved respectfully towards the teacher. 5. Corbett entered the room, bowing respectfully. 6. The audience clapped respectfully as she stood up to speak. 7. Visitors to the city are respectfully reminded of the council's powers to remove illegally parked vehicles. 8. The pilots respectfully represented that they were not at all tired. 9. I would respectfully suggest a different explanation for the company's decline. 10. Speak humbly, listen respectfully, smile gently.Dr T.P.Chia 11. The guitar player strummed along respectfully. 12. Respectfully waiting for me to give my orders. 13. I respectfully dissent and would reverse. 14. Everyone stood respectfully, and looked solemn throughout the funeral service. 15. They came in diffidently, nodded respectfully to Wilcox, and looked askance at Robyn. 16. For the most part, they listened respectfully as community leaders and peers encouraged everyone to atone, unite and reconcile. 17. A wise man always listens respectfully, speaks humbly, and smiles gently - even when he disagrees with you.Dr T.P.Chia 18. His neighbours, who regard him as a hero, respectfully show you to the door. 19. Well-manicured hands took her jacket respectfully, offered her a seat, brought her coffee in a china cup with a saucer. 20. People parted respectfully to let the Chilcott boys pass, nodding and murmuring their approval. 21. She was respectfully requested to keep the fact he is on special assignment to herself and her immediate family. 22. We respectfully solicit your continuous patronage. 23. Inspection is respectfully [ cordially ] invited. 24. "Where to, Corporal?" asked Trooper Fane respectfully. 25. Every month Rachel would invite me over for dinner, and I would respectfully decline. 26. Her school chums may disagree with her politics but they treat her respectfully and make sure their colleagues do, too. 27. To the extent that it purports to do anything else, I respectfully dissent. 28. The correct approach is to listen carefully, attentively and respectfully. 29. The driver of a Ford Transit van, though he has priority, hangs back respectfully to let Vic filter left. 30. Teachers or students so exempted may remain in the classroom and sit or stand respectfully while others participate in the ceremony.