快好知 kuaihz

31. We respectfully request your guidance. 32. Therefore, not only World Religion The Vatican respectfully inaugurates him as Hongbao Great Hierophant but also World Religion Federation inaugurated him to be the Honor Chairman. 33. The sounds of the church singing ceased and the voice of the chief ecclesiastic was heard, respectfully congratulating the sick man on his reception of the mystery. 34. xxxviii:1 Mr. Oscar Wilde's attention may be respectfully called to this maxim. 35. Be like music of puerpera listen respectfully, conduce to remove antenatal insecurity mood. 36. So, sob out! Dance in the moonshine! Listen respectfully to the longs and shorts full of feelings for years, in the deeply sleeping jungle. 37. Reuben respectfully touched his worn capand walked withrippling in a freshening wind. 38. First - rate equipment facilities, service mild and fragrant await your presence respectfully. 39. We respectfully call on the leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the "local churches" to disavow and cease to publish these and similar declarations. 40. All the teachers and pupils stood respectfully as he entered the schoolroom. 41. Muslims observing Ramadan and Jews observing Rosh Hashanah reminded Americans of our cherished tradition of worshiping freely and respectfully. 42. James Bond: Sir , I'd respectfully request that you change my assignment to Nassau. 43. If they do not give Zakat, respectfully and politely emphasize to them the importance of this necessary pillar of Islam and encourage them to start paying it. 44. Then girl face about resembles accuser respectfully bow, say: " I am sorry,[http://] man ! Man ! " 45. If time could retrogress to let me go back to my school days, my dear teacher, how respectfully l would again listen to you... 46. A servant who offers customers tea in teahouses is respectfully called the Tea Service Master. 47. Defendant respectfully demand trial by jury of all issues so triable . 48. " It's a swell suite, " whispered Jordan respectfully, and every one laughed. 49. Remark : entry submission respectfully to indicate: Name, Pen name, contact, ages, etc. 50. We must esteem them as teachers, learning from them respectfully and conscientiously. 51. When he arrived on the planet he respectfully saluted the lamplighter . 52. If he does not speak to me, I will step back and respectfully stand aside. 53. Let the life sublimate in respectfully to, lets the trail which the time record we struggle! 54. Brunelleschi died in 1946. His grave was respectfully built in the crypt of the Cathedral of Florence. 55. He remained calm and unflustered. He listened respectfully to his opponent. 56. When Crass beheld this being, he touched his cap respectfully. 57. Because the designer is insufficiently experienced, this design also has many deficiencies, asks respectfully forgiveness! 58. Respectfully or humbly; unpretentiously. 59. Much less pro-American than Jiang, Huresponded respectfully but coolly to overtures from the Bush and the Obamaadministrations for a new and better relationship. 60. Business calls from overseas commercial circles are especially welcomed! We provide 24-hour service and await your calls respectfully!