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run around造句
1. They love to run around on the playground. 2. Let the kids run around in the garden and that'll soon tire them out. 3. The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out. 4. At 18 stone, I can't run around the way I used to. There again, some people say I never did. 5. I can't run around like I used to - I must be getting old. 6. The kids, all wearing name tags, run around us. 7. He would run around like a broken top with his jaws open, all the kids screaming as they scattered. 8. I had a tendency to run around in circles getting more and more worked up. 9. Like having their players run around at midday in full clothes. 10. The other three people all run around screaming - quite fast, admittedly, but you would hardly call it scuttling. 11. I can run around a pitch 25 times, no problem. 12. Once successful, he will run around and not allow you to get hold of his prize. 13. A red-faced Bobby would then run around clutching his shorts. After four successive collisions he suggested I did the lifting. 14. Toddlers like to run around the house bare naked. 15. On returning I took a run around the campus. 16. I had to run around to several shops to get that wrench. 17. He made an end run around his boss and got money for the project directly from the president of the company. 18. Because air compressor to run around in the air, vibration waves to the human body building, has certain influence on oil, use of air filters make air bath vibration control effectively. 19. Run around the block, or do 30 jumping jack s. Get your body moving and your heart pumping for a few minutes. 20. I used to run around the street with a fishbowl over my head pretending I was an astronaut. . . . 21. Let's take the children to the park so they can run around for a bit. 22. While other ions abound in cytoplasm in their millimoles, liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar, maximum. 23. Besides menu costs, economists also discuss shoe-leather costs, because inflation makes people run around more, wearing down their soles. 24. Sometimes it is better to let the children have free time when they just run around in the garden or hall. 25. The animation is silky smooth and flicker free as your players run around the vast countryside scenario. 26. In her shocked lethargy, she seemed content to let Valerie run around after her and do everything for her. 27. They had to get out, no matter what the weather, and run around the car five times. 28. With the new technology of the computer age, we can do an end run around the media. 29. Your Mischa leaves our daughter at home so he can run around with this Jakob. 30. He had done a few days navvy work when he could get it, and he had run around the Domain in the early mornings to get his legs in shape.