快好知 kuaihz

121. Fruits ripened on the vine are tasty but soft and difficult to transport. 122. My function is to lay before you, in a logical and detached manner, the fruits of my experience. 123. The dietary guidelines can be achieved by eating more fruits and vegetables. 124. How, then, do we make the economy grow and devise an equitable allocation of its fruits? 125. Combine the dried fruits and mix with the grated orange and lemon rind. 126. The beach tumbled its creatures like rare fruits glowing through jelly. 127. Secondly, the fruits of this victory testify to war's revolutionising effects and its profound social repercussions. 128. Convex Computer Corp is expected to reveal the fruits of its work with Hewlett-Packard using the PA-RISC chip early this week. 129. By their fruits we shall know the peacemakers, not by the seraphic look on their faces. 130. A cordon is no more than a single stem which fruits all the way along. 131. Within the range of a single tree species, there may be very distinctly different assemblages of birds taking the fruits. 132. Then it had been filled again, but this time there were no soft fruits from her native land. 133. F1 Prisca Yields four fruits to the pound; forms five trusses, then stops; ideal for small greenhouses, cordon. 134. Sugar, citrus fruits, cocoa, were made available to a mass market. 135. When fruits and vegetables are this good it becomes considerably easier to meet that recommended five to six servings per day. 136. After initial impressions, Bodnar climbed on to some concrete slabs and stood back to inspect the first fruits of his design skills. 137. Many of the exotic fruits may provide a wonderful meal for the traveller, but some contain a deadly poison. 138. Economically sensitive goods such as citrus fruits, grapes, raisins and wine will face new tariffs. 139. That would mean using all the fruits from economic growth for public services rather than tax cuts. 140. And when it comes to quick and delicious desserts, a range of tinned fruits in their own natural juices is essential. 141. He also would establish a national debt-elimination sinking fund to set aside the fruits of economic growth for debt reduction. 142. Autumn is the mellower season, and what we lose in flowers we more than gain in fruits.Samuel Butler 143. Good luck is not permanent, and it may become bad luck if you are carried away by the fruits of good luck.Dr T.P.Chia 144. And no murderer can enjoy legitimate rights to the fruits of murder. 145. The fruits are similar in shape and size to plums. 146. Each carried an oval platter, and in the platters, embedded in snow, were the fruits of two continents. 147. If they are left to grow naturally, most top fruits can become large trees, eventually outgrowing most gardens. 148. As for this year's event the fruits of its endeavours may not be fairly assessed in the short term. 149. Over the centuries citrus fruits have also been used to cure fever and protect against poisoning. 150. So they stayed in an hotel in Hampstead and did the sights and enjoyed some of the fruits of his undoubted success.