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1. Box-office receipts have exceeded expectations. 2. The play was a box-office success . 3. Cinema box-office takings in 2001 were £600m. 4. The movie broke all box-office records. 5. The film was a huge box-office success. 6. The movie became a box-office record breaker. 7. The box-office receipts fell short of the manager's expectations. 8. Her last film was a surprise box-office hit. 9. Box-office success mattered more than artistic merit. 10. Her first movie was an international box-office smash. 11. The movie has been a huge box-office success . 12. to demolish box-office barriers. 13. Both films have been a big box-office success in this country. 14. Had critical respectability and box-office success made Lucas bankable? 15. "Heaven's Gate" was a box-office flop. 16. In small lettering underneath he read, Box-office information - bookings etc. 1900 to 1930. 17. Swing-doors on either side of the box-office in the small foyer led to an inner foyer, carpeted and dimly lit. 18. If box-office is seen as the most important statistic, the information has never been so abundant. 19. The extent of Trainspotting's box-office success indicates that its audience extended beyond young people. 20. The Public Enemy broke all box-office records and forced the critics to think again about the new sociological dimension of the movies. 21. Not as funny as its box-office receipts might suggest pages 30 and 31 omitted - shop items fashion news Seriously into leather? 22. In Britain the biggest box-office hit was Batman Returns with Pounds 2.77 million in the first three days. 23. It held the box-office record until Gone with the wind moved more tickets in 1939 and 1940. 24. As a Hollywood actor he has chalked up a number of box-office successes. 25. There was a long line of people at the box-office window. 26. The film was billed as an epic -- an adventure story that would take the world and the box-office by storm. 27. In 1955 Kramer decided to direct his own productions, keeping a shrewd eye on both the box-office and the Oscar donors. 28. And a cheap price it was, too, considering your box-office potential in the years ahead. 29. Another team of Tinseltown experts on Variety magazine predicted it would be 1992's biggest box-office flop. 30. Of course, as practically every actress in Hollywood will tell you, acclaim does not necessarily translate into box-office security.