快好知 kuaihz

181. He was saucy and mischievous when he was working. 182. Tara is currently working on a solo album. 183. Working underneath the car is always a messy job. 184. They are making substantial claims for improved working conditions. 185. Automation would bring a shorter, more flexible working week. 186. Everyone would be working at full stretch. 187. My mother prefers working to sitting idly. 188. The pitfalls of working abroad are numerous. 189. I was working hard to get into Cambridge. 190. He is incompetent at working with his hands. 191. Remember, the estate agent is working for the vendor. 192. Most manufacturers have had to introduce short-time working. 193. I hate working for that male chauvinist pig Steve. 194. If he's trying to rattle your cage, it's working. 195. I was amazed at his speed of working. 196. They are working overtime to finish the work./working.html 197. Try working through the opening exercises in this chapter. 198. The 1867 Reform Act extended the franchise to much of the male working class. 199. They've been living and working peacefully with members of various ethnic groups. 200. And, lest we forget, Einstein wrote his most influential papers while working as a clerk. 201. These new orders for our manufactures will mean working overtime. 202. Mark has been working in West Africa for about six months. 203. Working with the police has turned me against the use of violent scenes as entertainment. 204. The BBC are working on a profile of the British nuclear industry. 205. The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval. 206. The film studio grudgingly agreed to allow him to continue working. 207. Like working women anywhere, Asian women are buying convenience foods. 208. We are working on the assumption that it was a gas explosion. 209. It's extremely hard working together but on the whole it works brilliantly and we're still good friends. 210. Their aim is to help the working people in their struggle for emancipation.