快好知 kuaihz

151. We are working to bring about closer political integration in the EU. 152. Gradually pour the liquid into the flour, working it in carefully with a wooden spoon. 153. Local authority nursery provision covers only a tiny minority of working mothers. 154. She'd been working outside all winter and her hands were red and chapped. 155. He wants to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is overdoing it a bit. 156. Scientists are working to devise a means of storing this type of power. 157. They negotiated with the management for an improvement in working conditions. 158. It was a great pleasure working with you my dear, We really appreciate your help you have rendered us, We will be missing you so much, All the very best! 159. From "shy Mary," she morphed into a business person and working woman. 160. His popularity among working people remains as strong as ever. 161. Congratulations on your new job - good for you! While we will miss you and have fond memories of working with you, we wish you well and hope you attain all the success you deserve. Your loyalty and work ethic have been an inspiration to us all. Have a prosperous life and keep in touch! 162. His entire working life was spent with the same firm. 163. This is the fifth consecutive weekend that I've spent working, and I'm a bit fed up with it. 164. There they were, merrily describing their 16-hour working days while simultaneously claiming to be happily married. 165. The office is quite bright and airy - it's a pleasant working environment. 166. Things have a way of working out when you least expect it. 167. Surgeons are working round the clock to save his life. 168. Her mouth was working, as if she was masticating some tasty titbit. 169. Many scientists working for the government have left for greener pastures in the private sector. 170. This is his tenth year of working for the company. 171. Industry has been working at developing harmless substitutes for these gases. 172. The conference brought together historians working in a variety of fields. 173. The children seem to be totally incapable of working quietly by themselves. 174. The average working week in Japan is 42.3 hours, compared with 41.6 in the UK, so they are not too badly off. 175. The lights were not working because of a short circuit. 176. It takes him several months to acclimatize himself to working at night. 177. The roof of the working face caved in suddenly, several miners were trapped. 178. The supermarket didn't have enough people working on the tills. 179. He never complained about working overtime. 180. We had proles working alongside university types as equals.