快好知 kuaihz

1 His wife poisoned him with arsenic. 2 Belladonna and red arsenic are deadly poisons . 3 The analysis showed a few grains of arsenic in the solution. 4 In the last chapter, she poisons herself with arsenic. 5 Platinum combines with phosphorus and arsenic and is seldom found without an admixture of related metals. 6 Arsenic is a poison. 7 Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body. 8 Five hours later he died of arsenic poisoning. 9 Two of the victims had been poisoned with arsenic. 10 Ruth willed it to metamorphose itself to arsenic. 11 The chocolates had been laced with arsenic too. 12 It absorbed so much arsenic that, in just two weeks,[www.] arsenic comprised two per cent of its entire weight. 13 That afternoon the old man drank arsenic in his office and died. 14 Copper, zinc, arsenic and tungsten are associated with tin in quartz-tourmaline veins. 15 The local doctor found traces of arsenic in Martin's system. 16 Arsenic and cyanide are completely natural, and they will kill you. 17 There was arsenic, cyanide, prussic acid and - the list stopped there. 18 Likewise, the arsenic atoms appear if the voltage is positive. 19 Increased urinary levels of arsenic and mercury will coat the copper with black and silvery deposits, respectively. 20 You do sell red arsenic, nightshade, belladonna, and other deadly potions to those who are prepared to pay. 21 Modem glass also tends to contain a greater range of other metals such as arsenic and zinc. 22 Cadmium, a deadly poison, exceeded the safe limit by seven times; arsenic by 20 times. 23 She had fallen ill following a dinner at her son's house and had shown symptoms of arsenic poisoning. 24 She had already poisoned three members of her own family with arsenic. 25 The presentation of the first patient with a subacute sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy is typical of intoxication with inorganic arsenic. 26 His wife's body was exhumed and found to be riddled with arsenic. 27 Last week some one had laced the coffee in the mill with arsenic. 28 Inorganic chemistry in particular provided the bulk of new pigments based on chromium, cadmium, cobalt, zinc, copper and arsenic. 29 The story Unjust Desserts on April 13 describes a Croydon family in which three members died from arsenic poisoning. 30 To the mining firms he has pledged to remove the laws restricting arsenic in drinking water.