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91 Objective To study a method for determination of trace arsenic in cosmetics by miniature nuclear reactor epithermal neutron activation analysis. 92 The effects of stimulating or inhibiting of trivalent arsenic on DNA synthesis were always stronger than that of pentavalent arsenic. 93 The arsenic in the sludge is very dangerous, so it is important to find the methods for the treatment and disposal of the arsenical sludge. 94 "We are also working, in other research projects, on removal of arsenic and other contaminants, " researcher Brian Dempsey said. 95 All the components that make up the coffee, and all the impurities, etcetera. cadmium, heavy metals, arsenic, whatever is in your coffee. 96 Gallium and arsenic can be removed as halide by volatilization. 97 Methods Subchronic toxicity test was applied. The rats were exposed to arsenic by oral perfusion at gradient doses for 6 weeks respectively. 98 Arsenic removal the activated catalyst, is no longer required after the use of activated until deactivation. 99 The hydride generation atomic spectrometric method was adopted for the determination of arsenic in sunflower oil. 100 Screening around 19 000 children from arsenic affected areas of GMB plain we found nearly 1 100 affected with arsenical skin lesions. 101 Using a mixed solution of thiosemicarbazide and ascorbic acid as reducing agent[http://], arsenic is reduced and separated from precipitated copper. 102 As a result of the autopsy sufficient arsenic was found to make it quite clear that the deceased lady had died of arsenical poisoning. 103 Copper arsenite prepared from waste acid containing arsenic was applied in copper electrolyte purification. 104 Objective To investigate the irradiation enhancement effect of arsenic trioxide ( As 2 O 3 ) on human cervical squamous carcinoma cells. 105 The by-product arsenic compound obtained by this method can be used as the clearing agent and decolorizer for the glass industry. 106 An atomic fluorescence spectrometry AFS for the determination of trace arsenic in antimony was studied. 107 The ores with a high oxidation rate contains arsenic and stibium, and the mosaic size of silver minerals in it is quite fine. 108 In three main coal - forming periods arsenic contents decrease from Tertiary, Late Triassic to Late Permian. 109 If Jones had feloniously administered arsenic to his wife, it seemed clear that it could not have been done in any of the things eaten at supper, as all three persons had partaken of the meal. 110 The pain left a sharp impression on me. I received an arsenic injection and, later, Atabrine (quinacrine) pills. 111 Objective To study the distribution and the damage degree of high - Arsenic water and endemic Arsenism. 112 The interaction between selenium and arsenic species in microorganism was studied by measuring the luminosity using photobacterium phosphorem T3 as a cell model. 113 Arsenic in urine and hair or nails is the key to diagnosis. 114 Chemical state of As was analysed, on the basis of features of soluble As and arsenic sulfide. 115 The paper discusses a new technique to treat arsenic containing acidic waste water by ferrous sulfide. Results show that the method is efficient to remove arsenic, and has practical value. 116 Arsenic containing wastewater from gallium arsenide production was treated by coagulation process using self made polyferric metasilicate . 117 A new technology applied to gold concentrates containing arsenic and sulphur fixing of roasting - cyanidation was studied. 118 MBE does not require the extensive safety precautions , although solid arsenic dopant must be handled carefully. 119 In this paper, the study on making cupric sulfate with high arsenic bearing copper concentrate and the recovery of gold and silver are introduced. 120 A third approach--growing paddy rice aerobically in raised beds--reduces the mobilization of soil arsenite and "can dramatically decrease arsenic transfer from soil to grain, " McGrath says.