快好知 kuaihz

1, Last night they stayed at home and watched TV. 2, The comedian will chair a new TV panel game. 3, So much of what's on TV is pure dross. 4, The show was the biggest flop in TV history. 5, When questioned on TV, the minister retracted his allegations. 6, Are there any good programs on TV? 7, You left the TV on. 8, There's too much crime and gratuitous violence on TV. 9, They were all gathered round the TV. 10, Children's TV nowadays is much more entertaining. 11, She finally got her own TV show. 12, The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio. 13, The TV doesn't work in my room. 14, TV programmes should cater to all tastes. 15, A TV playback showed exactly what had happened. 16, Could you turn the TV up a bit? 17, We watched the football game on TV. 18, The TV play was based on real life. 19, He went on staring at the TV screen . 20, TV has its good and bad points. 21, I killed two hours watching TV. 22, Please turn on the TV. turn on. 23, He was lying on the sofa watching TV. 24, Is there too much satire on TV? 25, But I'm watching TV now. 26, There's never anything worth watching on TV. 27, This shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements. 28, This advertisement will capture the attention of TV audiences. 29, Taken altogether,[http:///TV.html] this TV play was successful. 30, The TV show was interesting.