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151, Does the noise of the TV inconvenience you? 152, It will need different microchips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals. 153, Colour TV has been more aggressively promoted as more manufacturers have joined the competition. 154, Women are already well represented in the area of TV drama. 155, In 1999, dot-coms spent more than $1 billion on TV spots. 156, She attacked police in the full glare of TV cameras. 157, I tend to binge on chocolate when I'm watching TV. 158, He went into TV and got his first break playing opposite Sid James in the series "Citizen James". 159, As he watched the TV drama, he suddenly realized he'd seen it before. 160, "Elizabeth R", a TV portrait of the Queen, had record viewing figures. 161, The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels. 162, How do those TV mothers always manage to look so immaculately coiffed as they do the housework? 163, The TV debate was a cop-out: it didn't tackle any of the real issues. 164, Kylie feels fortunate to be in such a privileged position because of her successful TV career. 165, He's one of the scriptwrit - ers on a popular TV detective series. 166, The TV station's name appears in the corner of the screen. 166, Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 167, A lens would magnify the picture so it would be like looking at a large TV screen. 168, TV news programs seem to be more interested in gossip than in hard news. 169, A seven-day TV ad campaign could swallow up the best part of £50,000. 170, In rugby circles, there is nothing but criticism for the coverage of sport on terrestrial TV. 171, Why don't you get a TV repair man to have a look at it before you buy a new one? 172, The TV rights contract came up for renegotiation in 1988. 173, We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV. 174, There will be a major incentive among TV channels to keep standards up. 175, I get very nostalgic when I watch these old musicals on TV. 176, The highlights of the match will be shown on TV tonight. 177, The TV presenter found himself on the wrong side of the law after hitting a cyclist while driving. 178, The Sky News TV station is largely run by ex-BBC news staffers. 179, She earns a lot of money doing voice-overs for TV commercials. 180, I've got into the habit of switching on the TV as soon as I gethome.